NMC Library


Name Dept. Course # Section Term Instructors Notes
Accounting Principles I ACC ACC 121
Accounting Principles II ACC ACC 123
Intermediate Accounting I ACC ACC 221
Intermediate Accounting II ACC ACC 222
Cost Accounting ACC ACC 223
Cost/Management Accounting ACC ACC 225
Principles Fraud Examination ACC ACC 241
Elementary Anishinaabemowin I ANI ANI 101
Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANT ANT 113
Art Appreciation ART ART 100
History of Western Art I ART ART 111
History of Western Art II ART ART 112
Drawing I ART ART 121
Drawing II ART ART 122
3-D Design ART ART 132
Painting I ART ART 161
Painting II ART ART 162
Watercolor Painting I ART ART 165
Digital Photography ART ART 174
Modern Art History ART ART 213
Life Drawing I ART ART 221
Life Drawing II ART ART 222
American Sign Language I ASL ASL 101
American Sign Language II ASL ASL 102
American Sign Language III ASL ASL 103
American Sign Language IV ASL ASL 104
Observational Astronomy AST AST 100
Planetary Astronomy AST AST 109
Astronomy AST AST 119
Automotive Brake Systems AT AT 110
Automotive Electrical I AT AT 120
Engine Performance I AT AT 130
Suspension and Steering AT AT 140
Automatic Transmissions AT AT 150
Engine Repair AT AT 160
Heating and Air Conditioning AT AT 170
Manual Drivetrain and Axles AT AT 180
Automotive Electrical II AT AT 220
Studio Recording I AUD AUD 110
Studio Recording II AUD AUD 111
Digital Audio I AUD AUD 120
Digital Audio II AUD AUD 121
Live Sound I AUD AUD 130
Live Sound II AUD AUD 131
Digital Audio III AUD AUD 220
Private Flight AVF AVF 111
Instrument Flight I AVF AVF 118
Instrument Flight AVF AVF 132
Commercial Flight I AVF AVF 230
Multi-Engine Flight AVF AVF 271
Tailwheel Flight AVF AVF 274
Seaplane Flight AVF AVF 275
Upset Maneuver Training AVF AVF 283
Instrument Flight Instructor AVF AVF 284
Flight Instructor Rating AVF AVF 382
Mechanics for Pilots AVG AVG 161
Aviation Weather AVG AVG 190
Advanced Aircraft Systems AVG AVG 202
Airline Aircraft Ground School AVG AVG 204
Aviation Law AVG AVG 231
Corporate Aviation Ground AVG AVG 240
Commercial Ground School AVG AVG 251
Instrument Ground School AVG AVG 252
Crew Resource Management AVG AVG 285
Instructor Ground School AVG AVG 381
Human Biology BIO BIO 106
Plant Biology BIO BIO 108
Essential Biology BIO BIO 110
Cell,Plant & Ecosystem Biology BIO BIO 115
Genetic, Evolution, Animal Bio BIO BIO 116
Microbiology BIO BIO 208
Genetics BIO BIO 215
Nutrition in Human Health BIO BIO 220
Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIO BIO 227
Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIO BIO 228
Normal and Clinical Nutrition BIO BIO 240
Pathophysiology BIO BIO 255
Biochemistry BIO BIO 268
Introduction to Business BUS BUS 101
Business Math BUS BUS 105
Interpersonal Communications BUS BUS 155
Business Law I BUS BUS 261
Introductory Craft Skills CAR CAR 100
Introduction to Carpentry CAR CAR 101
Intro to Woodworking CAR CAR 102
Construction Blueprint Reading CAR CAR 103
Woodworking Applications I CAR CAR 104
Foundations and Framing CAR CAR 105
Exterior Construction CAR CAR 121
Interior Construction CAR CAR 125
Introductory Chemistry CHM CHM 101
General Chemistry I CHM CHM 150
General Chemistry II CHM CHM 151
Intro to Organic Chemistry CHM CHM 201
Organic Chemistry I CHM CHM 250
Organic Chemistry II CHM CHM 251
Computers in Business-An Intro CIT CIT 100
Programming Logic and Design CIT CIT 110
Scripting and Automation CIT CIT 112
Microsoft Office - Word Intro CIT CIT 118
Microsoft Office - Word CIT CIT 119
Microsoft Office - PowerPoint CIT CIT 124
CompTIA A+ Certification I CIT CIT 156
Cisco Internetworking I CIT CIT 160
Cisco Internetworking II CIT CIT 161
Relational Databases CIT CIT 178
HTML and CSS Programming CIT CIT 180
JavaScript Programming CIT CIT 190
Application Development CIT CIT 195
Microsoft Office - Excel CIT CIT 210
Intro to Data Analytics CIT CIT 211
Networking Technologies CIT CIT 213
Windows Server Environment CIT CIT 215
Web Application Development CIT CIT 218
Advanced Database Systems CIT CIT 228
Project Management CIT CIT 233
Network Security Management CIT CIT 240
Cloud Technologies CIT CIT 243
Windows Server Infrastructure CIT CIT 246
Enterprise Solutions CIT CIT 247
Linux Administration CIT CIT 256
Cisco Internetworking III CIT CIT 260
Cisco Internetworking IV CIT CIT 261
Systems Analysis and Design CIT CIT 280
Intro to Criminal Justice CJ CJ 101
Police Administration CJ CJ 202
Juvenile Delinquency CJ CJ 221
Evidence & Criminal Procedures CJ CJ 242
Construction Supervision CMT CMT 107
Construction Cost Estimating CMT CMT 207
Public Speaking COM COM 111
Culinary Concepts and Career Management CUL CUL 102
Safety and Sanitation CUL CUL 110
Professional Cookery CUL CUL 111
Introduction to Baking and Pastry CUL CUL 118
Artisan Bread CUL CUL 120
Butchery and Fabrication CUL CUL 209
Nutrition for Culinary Arts CUL CUL 210
Menu Planning and Purchasing CUL CUL 211
World Cuisine CUL CUL 213
Garde Manger CUL CUL 215
Plated Desserts CUL CUL 219
Beverage Management CUL CUL 232
Contemporary Service & Cuisine CUL CUL 295
Print Reading and Sketching DD DD 101
Basic Metallurgy DD DD 110
Tolerancing and GD&T DD DD 160
Modern Dance I DNC DNC 110
Modern Dance II DNC DNC 111
Early Childhood Education ECE ECE 101
Curriculum for Child Guidance ECE ECE 203
Early Childhood Curriculum ECE ECE 204
Infant Toddler Care Curriculum ECE ECE 206
Early Education Administration ECE ECE 220
Early Literacy and Learning ECE ECE 230
Integrated Arts in Curriculum ECE ECE 240
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO ECO 201
Principles of Microeconomics ECO ECO 202
College Success EDU EDU 100
Educating Exceptional Children EDU EDU 212
Intro to Engineering Tech EET EET 102
Electronics I EET EET 103
Electronics II EET EET 104
Fundamentals of Light & Lasers EET EET 161
Biomedical Equipment I EET EET 180
Electrical Studies II EET EET 204
Industrial Controls EET EET 221
Programmable Logic Controllers EET EET 232
PLC Applications I EET EET 233
PLC Applications II EET EET 234
System Engineering in Practice EET EET 260
Biomedical Equipment II EET EET 281
Marine Electronics EET EET 304
Introduction To Engineering EGR EGR 101
Engineering Graphics I EGR EGR 113
Statics EGR EGR 201
Mechanics of Materials EGR EGR 202
Dynamics EGR EGR 203
Electrical Circuits I EGR EGR 211
Engineering Practice I EGR EGR 220
Material Science EGR EGR 221
Introductory Thermodynamics EGR EGR 232
Principles of Renewable Energy EGY EGY 101
Sustainable Building Design EGY EGY 105
Residential Energy Efficiency EGY EGY 115
Solar Photovoltaic Tech I EGY EGY 141
Geothermal Technology EGY EGY 145
Wind Power Technology EGY EGY 161
Introduction to Electrical ELE ELE 101
Beg Residential Electrical ELE ELE 105
Electrical Code Studies I ELE ELE 110
Electrical Code Studies II ELE ELE 111
Adv Residential Electrical ELE ELE 121
Pre-Commercial Electrical ELE ELE 125
Commercial Electrical ELE ELE 131
Adv Commercial Electrical ELE ELE 135
Industrial Electrical ELE ELE 142
Adv. Industrial Electrical ELE ELE 146
Academic Study Methods ENG ENG 107
English Composition ENG ENG 111
Warner, Cathy
English Composition ENG ENG 111
Gray, Nancy Theresa
Salathiel, Kristen Marie
English Composition ENG ENG 111
Smith, Marjory M
English Composition ENG ENG 111
Anderson, Michael
English Composition ENG ENG 111
Lingaur, Alissia Jean Riling
English/Writing Methods ENG ENG 111/11
English Composition ENG ENG 112
English Composition ENG ENG 112
Howell, Mark D
English Composition ENG ENG 112
Chu, Judy Yu-Ti
English Composition ENG ENG 112
Smith, Marjory M
English Composition (Wangler) ENG ENG 112
Wangler, Sarah Jane
Children's Literature ENG ENG 210
Technical Writing ENG ENG 220
Creative Writing ENG ENG 221
Advanced Creative Writing ENG ENG 222
Creative Writing - Poetry ENG ENG 223
Journalism Fundamentals ENG ENG 224
Introduction to Screenwriting ENG ENG 225
Introduction to Literature ENG ENG 240
World Mythology ENG ENG 241
British Literature I ENG ENG 246
Shakespeare ENG ENG 254
Science Fiction and Fantasy ENG ENG 265
Popular Culture ENG ENG 266
Film as Literature ENG ENG 267
Adolescent Literature ENG ENG 271
Intro to College Writing ENG ENG 99
Earth Science ENV ENV 103
Life of the Past ENV ENV 104
Physical Geology ENV ENV 111
Historical Geology ENV ENV 112
Meteorology & Climatology ENV ENV 117
Oceanography ENV ENV 131
Michigan Basin Geology ENV ENV 270A
Precambrian Geology of MI ENV ENV 270C
ESL Reading & Vocabulary I ESL ESL 88
Elementary French I FRN FRN 101
Intermediate French I FRN FRN 201
Intermediate French II FRN FRN 202
World Regional Geography GEO GEO 109
Introduction to GIS GEO GEO 115
Elementary German I GRM GRM 101
Intermediate German I GRM GRM 201
Medical Terminology HAH HAH 101
Infection Control HAH HAH 120
Emergency Assess.& Interventio HAH HAH 200
Introduction to Dentistry HDA HDA 101
Dental Materials HDA HDA 112
Dental Anatomy HDA HDA 120
Oral Pathology/Pharmacology HDA HDA 140
Dental Office Management HDA HDA 150
Dental Emergencies HDA HDA 160
Preventive Dentistry HDA HDA 170
Chairside Procedures HDA HDA 240
Dental Radiography HDA HDA 242
CDA/RDA Written Exam Prep HDA HDA 282
Personal Trainer Certification HF HF 105
Yoga I HF HF 116
Fundamentals of Nursing-Lectur HNR HNR 101
Fundamentals of Nursing HNR HNR 102
Pharmacology I HNR HNR 106
Pharmacology II HNR HNR 107
Lifespan Nursing Lecture HNR HNR 125
Lifespan Nursing HNR HNR 126
Practical Nursing Roles & Issu HNR HNR 145
Complex Patient Mgmt HNR HNR 221
Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Lec HNR HNR 241
Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Cli HNR HNR 242
Complex Patient Mgmt I-Lecture HNR HNR 247
Complex Patient Mgt-Clinical HNR HNR 248
Mental Health Nursing - Lec HNR HNR 251
Complex Patient Mgmt II-Lec HNR HNR 261
Western Civilization to 1500AD HST HST 101
Western Civilization from 1500 HST HST 102
U S History to 1865 HST HST 111
Gordon, Tom
U S History to 1865 HST HST 111
Morton, Mindy A
U S History to 1865 HST HST 111
D'Alessandro, Kevin
U S History to 1865 HST HST 111
McCall, Brian David
U S History Since 1865 HST HST 112
McCall, Brian David
U S History since 1865 HST HST 112
Gordon, Tom
U S History since 1865 HST HST 112
Morton, Mindy A
U S History since 1865 HST HST 112
Native American History HST HST 211
African-American History HST HST 212
American Women's History HST HST 213
American Civil War HST HST 225
History of Michigan HST HST 230
20th Century Europe HST HST 235
Introduction to Humanities HUM HUM 101
Introduction to Humanities HUM HUM 102
World Cultures HUM HUM 116
Religion in Pop Culture HUM HUM 297A
Introduction to HVAC/R HVA HVA 101
Fundamentals of Heating HVA HVA 106
Refrigeration Fundamentals HVA HVA 122
Residential and Commercial A/C HVA HVA 126
Commercial A/C & Refrigeration HVA HVA 132
Police Operations LWE LWE 102
Emergency Asses.& Intervention LWE LWE 200
Criminal Investigation LWE LWE 212
Defensive Tactics LWE LWE 225
Michigan Criminal Law LWE LWE 226
Speed Measurement/PBT LWE LWE 228
Survival at Sea MDK MDK 100
Rigging & Ship Maintenance Lab MDK MDK 104
Watchstanding I MDK MDK 106
Rules of the Nautical Road MDK MDK 112
Navigation I MDK MDK 121
Damage Control & Safety MDK MDK 149
Ship Business & Labor Relation MDK MDK 200
Watchstanding II MDK MDK 206
Lakes Piloting MDK MDK 221
Ship Stability MDK MDK 242
Navigation III MDK MDK 324
STCW Elementary First Aid MDK MDK 330
Electronic Navigation MDK MDK 331
Ship Construction MDK MDK 341
Dry Cargo Stowage MDK MDK 345
Marine Supervisory Lab MDK MDK 404
Marine Communications MDK MDK 411
Liquid Cargo Stowage MDK MDK 445
Bridge Team Management MDK MDK 446
Pilot/Mate License Prep MDK MDK 448
Vessel & Port Security Officer MDK MDK 450
Fluid Power MFG MFG 104
Machining I MFG MFG 113
Machining II MFG MFG 114
Manufacturing/Engineering Processes MFG MFG 203
Marine Hydraulics MFG MFG 304
Principles of Management MGT MGT 241
Principles of Entrepreneurship MGT MGT 245
Human Resources Management MGT MGT 251
Principles of Marketing MKT MKT 201
Digital Marketing MKT MKT 208
Intro to Marine Engineering MNG MNG 100
Engine Systems Graphics MNG MNG 104
Engineering Mechanics MNG MNG 110
Electronic Fundamentals MNG MNG 234
Unloading Systems MNG MNG 250
Maritime Machining MNG MNG 260
Refrigeration MNG MNG 275
Diesel Engineering MNG MNG 314
Marine Boilers MNG MNG 321
Electric Machines and Controls MNG MNG 335
License Preparation - Engine MNG MNG 496
Leadership and Ethics MNS MNS 250
Agricultural Regulation etc. (MSU Extension) MSU MSU AT 202
Landscape plants I (MSU Extension) MSU MSU HRT 211
Greenhouse Structures and Management MSU MSU HRT 221
Pre-Algebra MTH MTH 08
Intermediate Algebra MTH MTH 111
College Algebra MTH MTH 121
Trigonometry MTH MTH 122
Intro to Prob & Stats MTH MTH 131
Jenkins, Tony
Calculus I MTH MTH 141
Calculus II MTH MTH 142
Beginning Algebra MTH MTH 23
Calculus III MTH MTH 241
Differential Equations MTH MTH 251
Intro to Music Theory I MUS MUS 100A
Theory of Music MUS MUS 101
Theory of Music MUS MUS 102
Sight Singing & Ear Training MUS MUS 103
Intro to Ear Training I MUS MUS 105A
Class Piano I MUS MUS 106
Class Piano II MUS MUS 107
Music Appreciation Stand Lit MUS MUS 110
Music Appreciation Stand Lit MUS MUS 110
Corcoran, Brady Joseph
Music Appreciation Jazz MUS MUS 111
Class Guitar I MUS MUS 112
History of Rock and Roll MUS MUS 129
Theory of Music MUS MUS 201
Sight Singing & Ear Training MUS MUS 203
Applied Music - Voice MUS MUS 260
Introduction to Philosophy PHL PHL 101
Critical Thinking PHL PHL 105
Western Religions PHL PHL 121
Eastern Religions PHL PHL 122
Ethics PHL PHL 201
Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas PHL PHL 202
Emerson, Michael P.
Zachman, John R
Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas PHL PHL 202
Sanderson, Corey J
Environmental Ethics PHL PHL 203
Physics of the World Around Us PHY PHY 105
General Physics I PHY PHY 121
Problems & Princ.of Physics I PHY PHY 221
Prob. & Princ. of Physics II PHY PHY 222
Intro to American Politics PLS PLS 101
Comparative Politics PLS PLS 132
International Relations PLS PLS 211
Intro to Political Theory PLS PLS 222
Introduction to Plumbing PLU PLU 101
Plumbing Components PLU PLU 105
Commercial Plumbing PLU PLU 121
Introduction to Psychology PSY PSY 101
Developmental Psychology PSY PSY 211
Psychology of Personality PSY PSY 221
Intro to Social Psychology PSY PSY 223
Human Sexuality PSY PSY 225
Abnormal Psychology PSY PSY 250
Introduction to Sociology SOC SOC 101
Modern Social Problems SOC SOC 201
Marriage and the Family SOC SOC 211
Gender and Society SOC SOC 220
Deviance and Criminal Behavior SOC SOC 231
Race and Ethnicity SOC SOC 260
Elementary Spanish I SPN SPN 101
Elementary Spanish II SPN SPN 102
Intermediate Spanish I SPN SPN 201
Intro to Surgical Technology SRG SRG 101
Surgical Microbiology SRG SRG 102
Surgical Procedures I SRG SRG 121
Surgical Patient SRG SRG 122
Biomed Sciences and MIS SRG SRG 123
Surgical Procedures II SRG SRG 201
Surgical Procedures III SRG SRG 221
Professional Career Prep II SRG SRG 224
Fundamentals of Surveying SVR SVR 110
CAD for Surveying SVR SVR 120
Boundary Surveying SVR SVR 210
Social Interviewing Skills SWK SWK 211
Basic Acting THR THR 151
Acting II THR THR 152
Typography I VCA VCA 125
Typography II VCA VCA 126
Digital Imaging VCA VCA 127
Interactive Animation VCA VCA 146
Web Design I VCA VCA 147
Digital Graphics Design I VCA VCA 150
Visual Communications II VCA VCA 200
Visual Communications III VCA VCA 220
Visual Communications Studio VCA VCA 225
Visual Communications V VCA VCA 230
Visual Comm Portfolio VCA VCA 235
Time Based Media VCA VCA 250
Time Based Media II VCA VCA 252
Welding Theory I WPT WPT 111
Welding Theory II WPT WPT 113
Intro to Freshwater Studies WSI WSI 105
Underwater Acoustics and Sonar WSI WSI 210
Marine GIS & Data Processing WSI WSI 215
Water Policy & Sustainability WSI WSI 230
ROV Systems and Operations WSI WSI 240
Remote Sensing and Sensors WSI WSI 300
Sonar Systems and Operations WSI WSI 310
Advanced Marine Survey & Data WSI WSI 315
Marine Project Management WSI WSI 433

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