Learning and teaching measurement : 2003 yearbook /
Learning and teaching measurement : 2003 yearbook /
editor, Douglas H. Clements ; general yearbook editor, George Bright.
- Reston, Va. : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, c2003.
- xiii, 331 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- Yearbook ; 2003 .
- Yearbook (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) ; 2003 .
Includes supplement: Classroom activities for Learning and teaching measurement. Cataloged as volume 2.
Includes bibliographical references.
Preface / Douglas H. Clements -- PART 1: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -- Introduction / Michelle Stephan, Joanne Mendiola -- Linear, area, and time measurement in prekindergarten to grade 2 / Michelle Stephan, Douglas H. Clements -- Understanding children's developing strategies and concepts for length / Jeffrey E. Barrett, Graham Jones, Carol Thornton, Sandra Dickson -- Making connections with powerful ideas in the measurement of length / Nicola Yelland -- Developing the building blocks of measurement with young children / Theresa J. Grant, Kate Kline -- Benchmarks as tools for developing measurement sense / Elana Joram -- Assessing and developing measurement with young children / Doug Clarke, Jill Cheeseman, Andrea McDonough, Barbara Clark -- Count me into measurement: a program for the early elementary school / Lynne Outhred, Michael Mitchelmore, Diane McPhail, Peter Gould -- Developing an understanding of measurement in the elementary grades / Richard Lehrer, Linda Jaslow, Carmen L. Curtis -- Understanding students' thinking about area and volume measurement / Michael T. Battista -- Structuring a rectangle: teachers write to learn about their students' thinking / Deborah Schifter, Janice Szymaszek -- About students' understanding and learning the concept of surface area / Cinzia Bonotto -- The measurement of time: transitivity, unit iteration, and conservation of speed / Constance K. Kamii, Kathy Long -- Bridging Yup'ik ways of measuring to Western mathematics / Jerry Lipka, Tod Shockey, Barbara Adams. PART 2: SECONDARY SCHOOL -- Introduction / Veronica Meeks, Robert F. Wheeler -- What students know about measurement: perspectives from the NAEP / Marilyn E. Strutchens, W. Gary Martin, Patricia Ann Kenney -- Providing opportunities for students and teachers to 'measure up' / Melissa Boston, Margaret Smith -- Measuring Montana: an episode in estimation / Ted Hodgson, Linda Simonsen, Jennifer Lubek, Lyle Anderson -- Estimation at work / Thomasenia Lott Adams, Gregory Harrell -- Exploring measurement concepts through literature: natural links across disciplines / Richard Austin, Denisse Thompson, Charlene Beckmann -- Using the Geoboard to enhance measurement instruction in the secondary school mathematics classroom / Barbara A. Burns, Gail A. Brade -- Using measurement to develop mathematical reasoning at the middle and high school levels / Mary C. Enderson -- Is our teaching measuring up? Race-, SES-, and gender-related gaps in measurement achievement / Sarah T. Lubienski -- Measurement, representation, and computer models of motion / Christopher Hartmann, Jeffrey Choppin -- Measuring the unmeasurable: using technology to study the irrational / Maurice Burke -- Measurement in adult education: starting with students' understandings / Myriam Steinback, Mary Jane Schmitt, Martha Merson, Esther Leonelli.
Area measurement--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Area measurement--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Surfaces--Areas and volumes--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Surfaces--Areas and volumes--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Length measurement--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Length measurement--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Time measurements--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Time measurements--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Mensuration--Study and teaching.
QA1 / .N3 2003
Includes supplement: Classroom activities for Learning and teaching measurement. Cataloged as volume 2.
Includes bibliographical references.
Preface / Douglas H. Clements -- PART 1: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -- Introduction / Michelle Stephan, Joanne Mendiola -- Linear, area, and time measurement in prekindergarten to grade 2 / Michelle Stephan, Douglas H. Clements -- Understanding children's developing strategies and concepts for length / Jeffrey E. Barrett, Graham Jones, Carol Thornton, Sandra Dickson -- Making connections with powerful ideas in the measurement of length / Nicola Yelland -- Developing the building blocks of measurement with young children / Theresa J. Grant, Kate Kline -- Benchmarks as tools for developing measurement sense / Elana Joram -- Assessing and developing measurement with young children / Doug Clarke, Jill Cheeseman, Andrea McDonough, Barbara Clark -- Count me into measurement: a program for the early elementary school / Lynne Outhred, Michael Mitchelmore, Diane McPhail, Peter Gould -- Developing an understanding of measurement in the elementary grades / Richard Lehrer, Linda Jaslow, Carmen L. Curtis -- Understanding students' thinking about area and volume measurement / Michael T. Battista -- Structuring a rectangle: teachers write to learn about their students' thinking / Deborah Schifter, Janice Szymaszek -- About students' understanding and learning the concept of surface area / Cinzia Bonotto -- The measurement of time: transitivity, unit iteration, and conservation of speed / Constance K. Kamii, Kathy Long -- Bridging Yup'ik ways of measuring to Western mathematics / Jerry Lipka, Tod Shockey, Barbara Adams. PART 2: SECONDARY SCHOOL -- Introduction / Veronica Meeks, Robert F. Wheeler -- What students know about measurement: perspectives from the NAEP / Marilyn E. Strutchens, W. Gary Martin, Patricia Ann Kenney -- Providing opportunities for students and teachers to 'measure up' / Melissa Boston, Margaret Smith -- Measuring Montana: an episode in estimation / Ted Hodgson, Linda Simonsen, Jennifer Lubek, Lyle Anderson -- Estimation at work / Thomasenia Lott Adams, Gregory Harrell -- Exploring measurement concepts through literature: natural links across disciplines / Richard Austin, Denisse Thompson, Charlene Beckmann -- Using the Geoboard to enhance measurement instruction in the secondary school mathematics classroom / Barbara A. Burns, Gail A. Brade -- Using measurement to develop mathematical reasoning at the middle and high school levels / Mary C. Enderson -- Is our teaching measuring up? Race-, SES-, and gender-related gaps in measurement achievement / Sarah T. Lubienski -- Measurement, representation, and computer models of motion / Christopher Hartmann, Jeffrey Choppin -- Measuring the unmeasurable: using technology to study the irrational / Maurice Burke -- Measurement in adult education: starting with students' understandings / Myriam Steinback, Mary Jane Schmitt, Martha Merson, Esther Leonelli.
Area measurement--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Area measurement--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Surfaces--Areas and volumes--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Surfaces--Areas and volumes--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Length measurement--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Length measurement--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Time measurements--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Time measurements--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Mensuration--Study and teaching.
QA1 / .N3 2003