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Taking sides. Clashing views on educational issues /

Taking sides. Clashing views on educational issues / Taking sides: educational issues edited, selected, and with introductions by James Wm. Noll. - 16th ed. - Guilford, Conn. : Dushkin Pub. Group, c2012. - xxiv, 424 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Should Schooling be Based on Social Experiences? -- 2. Should the Curriculum be Standardized for All? -- 3. Should Behaviorism Shape Educational Practices. -- 4. Is Constructivism the Best Philosophy for Education? -- 5. Should Global Competition Steer School Reform? -- 6. Are Truly Democratic Classrooms Possible? -- 7. Has the Supreme Court Reconfigured Education? -- 8. Is No Child Left Behind Irretrievably Flawed? -- 9. Does a "Defecit Model" Serve Poor Children Well? -- 10. Should "Public Schooling" be Redefined? -- 11. Are Undocumented Immigrants Entitled to Public Education? -- 12. Has the Time Arrived for Universal Preschool? 13. Is Privatization the Hope of the Future? -- 14. Is the Inclusive Classroom Model Workable? -- 15. Can Current High School Reform Curtail Dropouts? -- 16. Is "Intelligent Design" a Threat to the Curriculum? -- 17. Are Single-Sex Schools and Classrooms Effective? -- 18. Can Zero Tolerance Violate Students Rights? -- 19. Do Computers Negatively Effect Student Growth? -- 20. Shcould Alternative Teacher Training Be Encouraged? -- 21. Can Merit Pay Accelerate School Improvement? -- 22. Do American Students Need More Time in School? -- 23. Is the "21st Century Skills" Movement Viable?


94047628 //r96

Education--Aims and objectives--United States.
Education--United States.

LA217.2 / .T35 2012


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