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Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1952- (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1952-
Used for/see from:
  • Putin, Wladimir Wladimirowitsch, 1952-
  • Putin, Volodymyr, 1952-
  • Pujing, 1952-
  • Poutine, Vladimir Vladimirovitch, 1952-
  • Путин, Владимир Владимирович, 1952-
  • Putinas, Vladimiras, 1952-
  • Putin, V. V. (Vladimir Vladimirovich), 1952-
  • Poetin, Vladimir Vladimirovitsj, 1952-

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Yahoo. Vladimir Putin Home page, 03-03-2000: (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 Oct. 1952 in Leningrad. His nickname is the "grey cardinal". He studied law at Leningrad State University where he graduated in 1975. He then worked for the KGB's intelligence service in Germany until he resigned in 1990. After administrative posts in the Saint Peterburg's Office of Mayor, Boris Yeltsin appointed him in charge of Russia's Federal Security Service [Federalʹnai︠a︡ sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossii] in July 1998. Subsequently he was to become chief of Russia's Security Council [Sovet bezopasnosti Rossiĭskoĭ Federat︠s︡ii]. In August 1999 Yeltsin appointed Putin as Russia's new Prime Minister and on 31 December 1999 Yeltsin designated Putin as acting President of the Russian Federation. Elections for Russia's President are to be held in March 2000)

LC Congr. Research. News Edge, 03-29-00: (Vladimir Putin 47, former head of Russia's FSB domestic security service, became prime minister in 1999; a native of St. Petersburg, where he served as deputy to former Mayor Anatoly Sobchak, he has also occupied senior posts in Yeltsin's administration)

Pravitelʹstvo Rossiĭskoĭ Federat︠s︡ii, 1999: p. 29-30 (Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich; b. 10-07-1952 in Leningrad. After graduation served in the KGB for 17 years; several of them in Germany. Worked in Leningrad, then Saint Petersburg governmental positions. On 9 Aug. 1999 chosen first vice-premier of the Russian Government, and when Yeltsin resigned Putin was chosen chairman of the Russian Government on 16 Aug. 1999)

Telefony vlastnykh struktur Rossii, 1998: p. 52 (Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich; director of the Federalʹnai︠a︡ sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossii)

Wladimir W. Putin, 2000: p. 36 (Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin, b. Oct. 7, 1952, Leningrad)

Preli︠u︡da Putina, 2001: p. 7 (Volodymyr Putin)

Quan li he mei li, 2004: t.p. (Pujing) p. 350 (Mar 14, 2004 won the 4th presidential election as Russia's president)

Poutine, c2008: p.15 (Vladimir Vladimirovitch Poutine; b. Oct. 7, 1952 in Leningrad)

Vladimiras Putinas, 2000: t.p. (Vladimiras Putinas)

Zenʹkovich, N. Kak Elʹt︠s︡in preemnika vybiral, 2017: verso t.p. (V.V. Putin)

Poetinisme, een Russisch fenomeen, 2018: p. 18 (Vladimir Vladimirovitsj Poetin)

New York times, 27 Mar. 2022: in a front-page article entitled, "The evolution of an enigma: tracing Putin's 22-year slide from statesman to wrathful dictator" (Vladimir V. Putin; born in 1952 in a city then called Leningrad, Putin grew up in the shadow of the Soviets' war with Nazi Germany, known to Russians as the Great Patriotic War; Putin was no Marxist ..., he had seen the disaster of a centralized planned economy both in Russia and East Germany, where he served as a K.G.B. agent between 1985-1990; marked to some degree by his home city of St. Petersburg, Putin does appear to have been guardedly open to the West early in his rule; he studied law at St. Petersburg University and claimed to respect it -- in fact, power proved to be his lodestone. He held legal niceties in contempt; from 2004 onward, a distinct hardening of Mr. Putin's Russia became evident; the 22-year arc of Putin's exercise of power is in many ways a study of growing audacity; with his assault on independent media completed, his insistence that the [2022] invasion [of Ukraine] is not a "war," and his liquidation of Memorial International, the leading human-rights organization chronicling Stalin-era persecution, Mr. Putin has circled back to his roots in a totalitarian country)

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