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Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Corporate Name)

Preferred form: Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Used for/see from:
  • Earlier heading: Minneapolis. Institute of Arts
  • Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Minneapolis Institute of Arts
  • Minneapolis Institute of Fine Arts
  • Minneapolis Institute of Art (1915-2015)
  • MIA (Minneapolis Institute of Arts)

Its Catalogue of the Inaugural exhibition ... 1915.

Thornton, G. Harry Jackson, a retrospective exhibition, c1981: t.p. (Minneapolis Institute of Fine Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Phone call to the Institute, 7/23/81 (Minneapolis Institute of Arts, administr. by the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts; Minneapolis Institute of Fine Arts is not a variant form of name, but a printer's error)

Official museum dir., 1978-79 (Minneapolis Institute of Arts, f. 1912; governing authority: Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts)

Keyes, G.S. A collection rediscovered, c1986: t.p. (Minneapolis Institute of Art)

Tel. call to Institute, 9/3/86 (Minneapolis Institute of Art a variant name)

Masterpiece photographs from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, c2008: t.p. (MIA, Minneapolis Institute of Arts)

Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, January 1914 (online via HathiTrust), viewed March 13, 2016: page 2 (new museum to be known as "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts"; institution endeavors to advance knowledge and love of art by acquisition and exhibition of high class works of art and art craft, maintenance of a school of art, formation of art library, giving lectures pertaining to art) http://hdl.handle.net/2027/umn.31951001459024o

Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, April 1914 (online via HathiTrust), viewed March 15, 2016: page 38 (Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts' Board of Trustees appointed committee in early 1912 to procure director of The Minneapolis Institute of Arts) http://hdl.handle.net/2027/umn.31951001459024o

Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, December 1914 (online via HathiTrust), viewed March 13, 2016: page 142 (January 7th [1915] set as date for opening of the Institute) http://hdl.handle.net/2027/umn.31951001459024o

Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, January-February 1915 (online via HathiTrust), viewed March 13, 2016: page 2 (inaugural exercises held at the Institute on Thursday, January 7th [1915]; Institute open free to the public on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, January 8 to 10; regular operation schedule went into effect the following Monday) http://hdl.handle.net/2027/umn.31951001459024o

StarTribune, August 6, 2015 (online), viewed March 13, 2016: Artcetera blog (announced Thursday [August 6, 2015] Minneapolis Institute of Arts wants to be known as Mia; dropping "s", changing name to Minneapolis Institute of Art; institution celebrating its centennial) http://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-museum-suffers-identity-crisis-changes-name-to-mia/320959811/

ULAN (online), viewed March 21, 2016 (ID: 500225381) http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/ulan/

VIAF (online), viewed March 21, 2016 (nationality: United States; American; language: English; VIAF ID: 157703898 (Corporate); ISNI: 0000 0004 0434 3270) http://viaf.org/viaf/157703898

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