Science fiction (Genre/Form Term)
- Sci-fi
- Broader heading: Fiction
Britannica online academic edition, Nov. 5, 2012 (science fiction: abbreviation SF or sci-fi, a form of fiction that deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals; the attempt at scientific and technological plausibility is the feature that distinguishes science fiction from earlier speculative writings and other contemporary speculative genres such as fantasy and horror; themes include space travel, robots, alien beings, time travel, alternative societies, alternate histories and parallel universes)
Wheeler, K. Literary terms and definitions, via WWW, Jan. 3, 2013 (science fiction: Literature in which speculative technology, time travel, alien races, intelligent robots, gene-engineering, space travel, experimental medicine, psionic abilities, dimensional portals, or altered scientific principles contribute to the plot or background. Many purists make a distinction between "hard" science fiction (in which the story attempts to follow accepted scientific realism and extrapolates the outcomes or consequences of scientific discovery in a hard-headed manner) and "soft" science fiction (which often involves looser adherence to scientific knowledge and more fantasy-elements))
GSAFD, 2000 (science fiction: used for works of fantasy that deal with possible though not necessarily probable events and are based approximately on scientific principles, e.g. space travel, time travel, etc. Used also for works in which mankind confronts alien cultures or environments)
Fiction that depicts imagined scientific or technological advances (e.g., time travel, artificial intelligence) and their impact on society.