Poetry (Genre/Form Term)
- Lyrics (Poetry)
- Poems
- Poetic literature
- Rhymes (Poetry)
- Rimes (Poetry)
- Verse (Poetry)
- Verses (Poetry)
- Broader heading: Literature
Oxford dictionaries website, July 9, 2014 (poetry: Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature. Synonyms: poems, verse, versification, metrical composition, rhymes, balladry, archaic: poesy)
Merriam-Webster online, July 18, 2014 (rhyme 1: a (1) : rhyming verse (2) : poetry. b : a composition in verse that rhymes. Variant: rime)
De Vries, L.P. The nature of poetic literature, 1930.
Puttenham, G. The art of English poesy, 2007.
Sidney, P. The defence of poesie, 1908.
Cameron, G.F. Lyrics on freedom, love and death, ©1973: p. v ("George Frederick Cameron, the author of the following poems")