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Mizener, Arthur (Personal Name)
Used for/see from:
- Mizener, Arthur Moore, 1907-
Author's A catalogue of the first editions of Archibald MacLeish, 1933.
NUCMC files (Mizener, Arthur Moore, 1907-)
WWA, 1974/75 (Mizener, Arthur Moore; educator; b. 1907; s. Mason Price & Mabel (Moore) M.; m. Elizabeth Rosemary Paris; prof., chmn., Engl. Dept., Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn.; Proctor fellow, Princeton Univ.; sr. fellow, Nat'l Endow. for Humanities; res. Ithaca, NY; author)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-27 (b. 1907)