Domestic fiction (Genre/Form Term)
- Broader heading: Fiction
LCSH, Oct. 21, 2014 (Domestic fiction. Here are entered collections of fiction that focus on home and family life)
WorldCat genres, via WWW, Oct. 20, 2012 (Domestic fiction. Used for fictional works that focus on home and family life.)
Oxford reader's companion to Dickens, via Oxford reference online, Apr. 15, 2013 (Domestic fiction: The rise of domestic fiction was concurrent with the rise of both the novel and the middle classes in England. Reaching its high-water mark in the middle of the 19th century, domestic fiction differed from 18th-century fiction through its articulation of human desires and actions in individualized moral terms, firmly establishing the novel as a moral form. In domestic fiction, modern domesticity is established as the only haven from the harsh vicissitudes of an unmerciful economic world)
Works of fiction that feature home and family life.