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Comics (Graphic works) (Genre/Form Term)

Preferred form: Comics (Graphic works)
Used for/see from:
  • Art, Sequential
  • Comic books, strips, etc.
  • Comic magazines
  • Comic papers
  • Comic strips
  • Comicbooks
  • Comix
  • Funnies (Comics)
  • Magazines, Comic
  • Papers, Comic
  • Sequential art
  • Serial picture books
See also:

Lyga, A.A.W. Graphic novels in your media center, 2004: p. 17 (Comic book: used to describe both the medium itself and the periodical form. As a result, all graphic novels are comic books, but not all comic books are graphic novels. Comic: Used interchangeably with "comic book." Graphic novel: Used to describe the specific format of a comic book that has greater production values and longer narrative. Can also describe the trade paperback format)

Miller, S. Developing and promoting graphic novel collections, c2005: p. 118 (comic strip: sequence of cartoons that relates a narrative story. The key here is that drawings are in a specific sequence that tells a story; comic book: sequences of comic strips, often relating a single story, bound as a magazine. Although a comic book contains collections of comic strips, this does not constitute a graphic novel. A comic book is properly categorized as a serial; graphic novel: a book presenting a fictional story told in a comic-strip format; expresses a single story through comic art; for practical purposes, it is common to refer to an original graphic novel with chapters and a bound collection with episodes as graphic novels)

Wikipedia, Dec. 5, 2012: Comic book (A comic book or comicbook, also called comic paper or comic magazine (often shortened to simply comic or comics) is a magazine made up of "comics"--narrative artwork in the form of separate panels that represent individual scenes, often accompanied by dialog (usually in word balloons, emblematic of the comic book art form) as well as including brief descriptive prose.) Comics (A comic, often known collectively as comics, is a hybrid medium in which illustrations are strongly blended with other types of communicative representations, usually written words (see comics vocabulary), in order to convey information or narrative, thus seeking synergy by using both visual and verbal (or otherwise communicative) elements in interaction; comic strips; comic books) Comic strip (A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions. Traditionally, throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, these were published in newspapers, with horizontal strips printed in black-and-white in daily newspapers, while Sunday newspapers offered longer sequences in special color comics sections; cartoonist Will Eisner has suggested that 'sequential art' would be a better name)

Oxford dictionaries website, Dec. 6, 2012 (comic noun 2. a periodical containing comic strips, intended chiefly for children; (comics) North American comic strips; comix: comic books and comic strips, especially ones written for adults or of an underground or alternative nature. Origin: alteration of comics; comic strip: a sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amusing story, typically printed in a newspaper or magazine)

Encyclopedia of American comics, 1990.

Carrier, D. The aesthetics of comics, 2000.

Narrative works that employ sequential art, and often prose, to tell a story. For humorous images that use wit and satire to comment on contemporary events, social habits, politics, or other subjects, see Cartoons (Humor).

Note under Cartoons (Humor)

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