Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 (Personal Name)
- Freĭd, Zigmund, 1856-1939
- Frūyd, Sijmund, 1856-1939
- Pʼroidi, 1856-1939
- Freud, Sigismund, 1856-1939
- Freud, Sigm., 1856-1939
- Firūyid, Sighmund, 1856-1939
- Frūyd, Sīghmūnd, 1856-1939
- Phroynt, Sinkmount, 1856-1939
- Fulouyide, 1856-1939
- Freud, Segismundo, 1856-1939
- Furoido, Jīkumunto, 1856-1939
- Faryūḍ, Sigmanḍ, 1856-1939
- K̲aprāyṭ, Cikmaṇṭ, 1856-1939
- K̲aprāyat, Cikmant, 1856-1939
- Pirāyṭ, 1856-1939
- Prāyṭu, 1856-1939
- Фрейд, Зигмунд, 1856-1939
- Froid, Zigmund, 1856-1939
- פרויד, זיגמונד
- פרויד, זיגמונד, 1856-1939
- פרויד, ז., 1856-1939
- Freud, Sigismund Schlomo, 1856-1939
- 弗洛伊德, 1856-1936
- Phr̲ōyḍ, Sigmaṇṭ, 1856-1936
- Firoyd, Zîgmond, 1856-1936
- Froyd, Zîgmond, 1856-1936
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Selected papers and other psychoneuroses, 1909.
Harris, J. The one-eyed doctor, Sigismund Freud, c1984: t.p. (Sigismund Freud [in title])
Charcot, J.M. Neue Vorlesungen über die Krankheiten des Nervensystems ... 1886: t.p. (Sigm. Freud)
Rizq Allāh, R. Sīghmūnd Firūyid, 1983: t.p. (Sīghmūnd Firūyid)
Dēmētriou, L. Melampous kai Phroynt, 1971: t.p. (Phroynt) p. 15 (Sinkmount Phroynt)
Chao, Y.P. Kai pien chin tai shih chieh ti san wei ssu hsiang chia, 1987: t.p. (Fo-lo-i-te)
Freud psicoanálizado, 1978: p. 9 (Segismundo Freud)
Sensō hihan, 1934: t.p. (Jīkumunto Furoido [in katakana])
K̲h̲vāb kī dunyā, 19--: t.p. (Sigmanḍ Faryūḍ)
Cikmaṇṭ K̲aprāyṭ : uḷappakuppāyvu ar̲iviyal, 2005.
SILAS, July 13, 2006 (hdg.: Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939; usages: Cikmant K̲aprāyat; Pirāyṭ; Prāyṭu)
Fuluoyide lun mei wen xuan, 1987: (弗洛伊德 = Fuluoyide [chi rom.])
Wikipedia, June 9, 2014 (Sigmund Freud; born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856-23 September 1939; Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis; born Freiberg in Mähren, Moravia, Austrian Empire (now Příbor, Czech Republic); died London, England; nationality: Austrian; fields: Neurology, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis)
ʻAl ha-psikhopatologyah shel ḥaye ha-yomyom, Sepṭember 2015: (זיגמונד פרויד = Zigmund Froid) t.p. verso (Sigmund Freud [in rom.])
Svapnasañcāri, June 2020: p. 4 of cover (Sigmaṇṭ Phr̲ōyḍ)
Derûnşîkarî (taybet be Zîgmond Firoyd), 2020.