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Internet (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Internet
Used for/see from:
  • DARPA Internet
  • Earlier heading: Internet (Computer network)

Work cat.: 92016450: Malamud, C. Exploring the Internet : a technical travelogue, c1993.

Quarterman, J.S. The Matrix, c1990: p. 278-345 (Internet is an internetwork of many networks all running the TCP/IP protocol suite, connected through gateways, and sharing common name and address spaces. It is large not only covering the United States, but also extending to Canada, Europe, and Asia)

Engr. index: v. 89, pt. VII, p. 5071.

Byte. Feb. 1992, "Applying the Internet": p. 111-118.

OCLC Micro: v. 6, No. 4, Aug. 1990, p. 36-37 (Internet is an interconnected set of networks that is primarily North American in origin and use, but is increasingly developing connections to worldwide information resources. It started with ARPAnet, a wide-area experimental network connecting host and terminal servers)

94234135: Brown, S. The Internet via Mosaic and World Wide Web, c1994 (Although the World Wide Web is primarily used on a global scale as a part of the Internet, it is feasible for a two-machine network to run the WWW client/server software. Many corporations are looking into WWW as an inexpensive yet up-to-date method of handling hypermedia applications on a local area network.)

ASTI; Hennepin; IAC; McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.; Random House; Web. 3

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