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Neuropsychology (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Neuropsychology
See also:

APA dictionary of psychology, via WWW, Apr. 28, 2021 (neuropsychology: the branch of science that studies the physiological processes of the nervous system and relates them to behavior and cognition, in terms both of their normal function and of the dysfunctional processes associated with brain damage; neuroethology: a branch of biology that studies nonhuman animal behavior in relation to neural processes and structures)

McGraw-Hill AccessScience website, Apr. 28, 2021 (neuropsychology: A system of psychology based on neurology; Neuroethology: The study of the neural basis of animal behavior is known as neuroethology. It is a combination of two disciplines: neurobiology, the study of the nervous system, and ethology, the study of animal behavior)

Biology online website, Apr. 28, 2021: Biology dictionary (Neuropsychology: The scientific study of the physiological basis of psychological processes; It studies the structure and function of the nervous system, particularly the brain, in relation to behavior and psychological processes. It aims to understand brain function and its effect on behavior and cognition. It also attempts to explore novel treatments and diagnostic tools for various neurological disorders affecting behavior and cognition. One of its areas of interest is investigating the electrical activity in higher primates and humans; Neuroethology: A discipline that deals with the scientific study of the neural basis of natural animal behavior; Neuroethology applies evolutionary and comparative approach in studying the neural basis of animal behavior in the natural environment. One of its aims is to understand the underlying mechanism regulating the nervous system that, in turn, affects animal behavior. One in particular is determining the mechanism involved in the central nervous system that translates biological stimuli into natural behavior)

Here are entered works on the physiological and neurological basis of psychological processes. Works on the neural basis of natural nonhuman animal behavior are entered under Neuroethology.

Note under Neuroethology

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