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Instructional and educational works (Genre/Form Term)

Preferred form: Instructional and educational works
Used for/see from:
  • Classroom materials
  • Curriculum materials
  • Educational materials
  • Educational works
  • Instructional materials
  • Instructional works
  • Learning materials
  • Teaching materials
  • Teaching works
  • Training materials
  • Training works

Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging, via WWW, Aug. 5, 2014 (Instructional works (Gathering term; do not assign). Scope Note: Gathering term; do not use; index under a narrower term. BT Purpose of work (Gathering term; do not assign). NT Alphabet wheels; Catechisms; Cookbooks; Fables; Interlinearies; Lecture notes; Manuals (Handbooks); Maxims; Proverbs; Textbooks)

Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, Aug. 5, 2014 (instructional film: A nonfiction motion picture or television program created for the purpose of imparting, to a general audience, skills or techniques related to a specific task or subject, typically in a step-by-step "how-to" manner. Compare with educational film and training film; educational film: A nontheatrical motion picture of any length, intended for teaching and related informational purposes, especially one made to be viewed in the classroom; training film: A nontheatrical nonfiction motion picture used by industry, government, trade groups, or the military to teach skills necessary in the performance of particular duties or jobs; training: Instruction designed to teach a person or group of people (trainees) a specific skill or set of skills)

ERIC thesaurus, Aug. 7, 2014 (Instructional Materials. Scope Note: Print and/or nonprint materials used in instruction. UF Classroom Libraries; Classroom Materials; Curriculum Materials; Educational Materials; Experience Charts; Flash Cards; FLES Materials; Graphic Organizers; Handwriting Materials; Language Records (Phonograph); Language Tapes; Reproducibles; Teaching Materials. BT Educational Media. NT Advance Organizers; Bilingual Instructional Materials; Courseware; Instructional Films; Laboratory Manuals; Learning Modules; Manipulative Materials; Problem Sets; Programmed Instructional Materials; Protocol Materials; Student Developed Materials; Study Guides; Teacher Developed Materials; Textbooks; Workbooks)

Highway safety manual training materials, c2012.

Hudgins, B.B. Self-contained training materials for teacher education, 1974.

Clingerman, K.J. Training materials for animal facility personnel, 1989.

Froseth, J.O. Studies in aural transposition : includes self-assessment exercises and training materials, c1996.

Free and inexpensive learning materials, 1941-1983.

Forsyth, I. Teaching and learning materials and the Internet, 1998.

Works whose main purpose is to convey knowledge, attitudes, and/or skills.

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