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Feature films (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Feature films
Used for/see from:
  • Feature-length films
  • Features (Motion pictures)
See also:

MIMS (Features: Use for films which consist of 4,000 or more feet of 35mm. film, or 1,600 or more feet of 16 mm. film, i.e. with a running time of 40 min. or more)

Random House (feature: also called feature film)

Birth of the feature length film, via HubPages.com website, May 3, 2010 (At an unprecedented 70 minutes The Story of the Kelly Gang is regarded as the world's first feature length film. It premiered at the Athaneum Hall in Melbourne, Australia on the 26th December 1906)

Wikipedia, May 3, 2010: Feature length (Feature length is a film term that refers to the length of a feature film. The definition of minimum length varies from 40 minutes (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences rule) to about 90 minutes (the definition in Cambridge Dictionaries Online))

Wikipedia, May 3, 2010: Film (A "feature length film", or "feature film", is of a conventional full length, usually 60 minutes or more, and can commercially stand by itself without other films in a ticketed screening. A "short" is a film that is not as long as a feature length film, usually screened with other shorts, or preceding a feature length film)

Here are entered works on individual full-length films with a running time of 40 minutes or more.

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