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Rix, L. B. (Len B.) (Personal Name)
Used for/see from:
- Rix, Len
Pichanick, J. Rhodesian literature ... 1977 (a.e.) t.p. (L.B. Rix)
Journey by moonlight, 2001: t.p. (Len Rix) t.p. verso (L.B. Rix) cover flap (born and raised in Zimbabwe; teaches English at Manchester Grammar School)
Wikipedia, viewed August 24, 2022 (Len Rix is a translator of Hungarian literature into English, noted for his translations of Antal Szerb's Journey by Moonlight and The Pendragon Legend and of Magda Szabó's The Door and Katalin Street; born in 1942)
WW in Afr., 1973; Afr. S. of Sahara, 1972; Stand. ency. of S. Afr., 1973.