A collection of tales from Uji; a study and translation of Uji sheui monogatari
Mills, D. E.
A collection of tales from Uji; a study and translation of Uji sheui monogatari [by] D. E. Mills. - Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1970. - xii, 459 p. illus. 24 cm. - University of Cambridge Oriental publications, no. 15 . - University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 15. .
A revision of the author's thesis, London. "The text used for this translation is that in the edition of Watanabe and Nishio, in the Nihon koten bungaku taikei series."
Bibliography: p. 447-451.
Uji sheui monogatari.
Short stories, Japanese--Translations into English.
PL790.U4 / M5
A collection of tales from Uji; a study and translation of Uji sheui monogatari [by] D. E. Mills. - Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1970. - xii, 459 p. illus. 24 cm. - University of Cambridge Oriental publications, no. 15 . - University of Cambridge oriental publications ; no. 15. .
A revision of the author's thesis, London. "The text used for this translation is that in the edition of Watanabe and Nishio, in the Nihon koten bungaku taikei series."
Bibliography: p. 447-451.
Uji sheui monogatari.
Short stories, Japanese--Translations into English.
PL790.U4 / M5