NMC Library

Ten years after Ivan Denisovich

Medvedev, Zhores A., 1925-

Ten years after Ivan Denisovich [by] Zhores A. Medvedev. Translated from the Russian by Hilary Sternberg. - [1st American ed.]. - New York, A. A. Knopf, 1973. - xii, 202 p. 22 cm.

Translation of Deskilat' let posle "Odnogo dnkila Ivana Denisovicha." "Solzhenitsyn's open letter to the fourth Soviet Writers' Congress": p. 197-202.


Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, 1918-
Tvardovskifi, A. 1910-1971.

Censorship--Soviet Union.

Soviet Union--Intellectual life--1917-

PG3488.O4 / Z77513 1973b


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