NMC Library

Creativity and learning,

Kagan, Jerome,

Creativity and learning, edited and with an introd. by Jerome Kagan. - Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1967. - xi, 289 p. 24 cm. - The Daedalus library ; [v. 8] .

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction, by J. Kagan.--The person, the product, and the response; conceptual problems in the assessment of creativity, by P. W. Jackson and S. Messick.--The study of creative persons; a method and some results, by D. W. Mackinnon.--Creativity and the expression of possibilities, by M. A. Wallach.--Darwin, Coleridge, and the theory of unconscious creation, by L. Eiseley.--Scientific views of creativity and factors affecting its growth, by E. P. Torrance.--Education for creativity in the sciences, by J. B. Wiesner.--The informed vision; an essay on science education, by D. Hawkins.--Unsolved problems of scientific education, by L. S. Kubie.--The mystique of unconscious creation, by F. Williams.--Personality and the learning process, by J. Kagan.--The development of creative teacher-scholars, by J. D. Brown.--Student selection, the educational environment, and the cultivation of talent, by C. W. Wing, Jr.--Relation of group activity to creativity in science, by P. H. Abelson.--The Human Problems Institute and general education, by N. Sanford.--The changing environments of science, by C. P. Haskins.--On Federal support of basic research, by G. B. Kistiakowsky.

Creative thinking.
Creative ability.

LB1062 / .K3


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