NMC Library

Last friends /

Gardam, Jane.

Last friends / Jane Gardam. - 205 pages ; 21 cm - Old filth trilogy ; 3 . - Old filth trilogy ; 3 .

This third--and final--book in the Old Filth trilogy tells the story of a love triangle involving two bitter rivals. When Sir Terence and Sir Edward die within months of each other, only a few people at their memorial services can personally recall the details of the venerable yet tumultuous lives they led. But old Dulcie, widow of judge William Willy, and Sir Frederick Fiscal-Smith, perennial houseguest of the upper class, share fleeting recollections of earlier lives through reminisces that are clouded with the haze of old age. The author's two previous books focused on the stories of Sir Edward "Old Filth" Feathers and his wife, Betty. Gardam completes the trilogy by telling bits and pieces of Sir Terry Veneering's rise from an impoverished childhood to a life of distinction.

9781609450939 1609450930


Triangles (Interpersonal relations)--Fiction.
Man-woman relationships--Fiction.

London (England)--Fiction.

Psychological fiction.

PR6057.A623 / L37 2013


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