NMC Library

Analysis of Michigan public school revenues and expenditures.

Analysis of Michigan public school revenues and expenditures. Analysis of Michigan public schools revenues and expenditures. Analysis of Michigan public school districts revenues and expenditures <1997-98>- - [Lansing, Mich.] : Michigan State Board of Education, [1980-1988] - v. ; 28 cm. - Annual. - 1980-1988 - <1967-1968-1978-89>: Bulletin / Michigan Department of Education ; 1011. <1979-1980->:Bulletin / Michigan State Board of Education ; 1011. . - Bulletin (Michigan. Dept. of Education) ; 1011. Bulletin (Michigan. State Board of Education) ; no. 1011. .

Title from cover. Title varies slightly. Physical size and format varies.

Vols. for 1967/68-1978/79 issued by: Dept. of Education; 1979/1980- by: State Board of Education.

72624681 //r812


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