The new Atlantis and other novellas of science fiction /
Wolfe, Gene.
The new Atlantis and other novellas of science fiction / by Gene Wolfe, Ursula K. Le Guin, James Tiptree, Jr. ; edited by Robert Silverberg. - New York : Hawthorn Books, [1975] - 180 p. ; 22 cm.
Silverberg, R. Introduction.--Wolfe, G. Silhouette.--Le Guin, U. K. The new Atlantis.--Tiptree, J., Jr. A momentary taste of being.
Science fiction, American.
PS648.S3 / N4 1975
The new Atlantis and other novellas of science fiction / by Gene Wolfe, Ursula K. Le Guin, James Tiptree, Jr. ; edited by Robert Silverberg. - New York : Hawthorn Books, [1975] - 180 p. ; 22 cm.
Silverberg, R. Introduction.--Wolfe, G. Silhouette.--Le Guin, U. K. The new Atlantis.--Tiptree, J., Jr. A momentary taste of being.
Science fiction, American.
PS648.S3 / N4 1975