NMC Library

Proceedings - Conference on Great Lakes Research.

Proceedings - Conference on Great Lakes Research. - Ann Arbor, Mich. : Great Lakes Research Institute, [1953-1974]. - 17 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Annual - 1st-17th; 1953-1974. - 1960-1966 : Publication (University of Michigan. Great Lakes Research Division). . - Publication (University of Michigan. Great Lakes Research Division). .

Some issues have also a distinctive title. 1st conference (1953) and 2nd conference (1955) titled separately: 1st, Conference on the Upper Great Lakes; 2nd, The Great Lakes and Michigan. Issues for 1953 and 1955 lack title: Proceedings. Osterlin Library has: 4th, 1961; 6th, 1963; and 11th, 1968 to 14th, 1971.

GeoRef 0197-7482 Bibliography of agriculture 0006-1530 Biological abstracts 0006-3169 Chemical abstracts 0009-2258 Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts 0026-1130 Pollution abstracts 0032-3624

Vols. for 1970-1974 issued in two parts.

Issues for 1953 and 1955 published by Great Lakes Research Institute; 1960-1966 published by Great Lakes Research Division; 1967-1974 by International Association for Great Lakes Research.

Includes indexes.

0045-8058 = Proceedings - Conference on Great Lakes Research = Proc. - Conf. Gt. Lakes Res.


60064115 //r862 60064115//r862

Great Lakes--Congresses.

Grands Lacs--Congraes.

GB1627.G8 / M5


W3 C6687

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