NMC Library

ASVAB prep plus 2018-2019.

ASVAB prep plus 2018-2019. Kaplan ASVAB prep plus 2018-2019 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery prep plus 2018-2019 - xxii, 622 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes index.

About the ASVAB -- ASVAB diagnostic test -- Word knowledge -- Paragraph comprehension -- Math strategies for the ASVAB -- Arithmetic reasoning -- Mathematics knowledge -- Conquering the technical subtests -- General science -- Electronics information -- Automotive information -- Shop information -- Mechanical comprehension -- Assembling objects -- ASVAB practice tests.

Kaplan's ASVAB Prep Plus 2018-2019 features proven strategies and realistic practice for all sections of the ASVAB and AFQT. This edition includes flashcards, expert videos, and an expanded online Quiz Bank to help you face the test with confidence.

1506225934 9781506225937


Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery--Examinations, questions, etc.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery--Study guides.

United States--Armed Forces--Examinations--Study guides.

Study guides.

U408.5 / A883 2017

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