A guide for educators to critical thinking competency standards : standards, principles, performance indicators, and outcomes with a critical thinking master rubric /
Paul, Richard.
A guide for educators to critical thinking competency standards : standards, principles, performance indicators, and outcomes with a critical thinking master rubric / Critical thinking competency standards by Richard Paul and Linda Elder. - Dillon Beach, CA : Foundation for Critical Thinking, c2005. - 56 p. ; 21 cm.
Introduction: Structure of this guide -- Understanding the intimate relationship between critical thinking, learning, and education: Concept of critical thinking -- What and the how of education -- Critical thinking is the ?How? for obtaining every educational ?What? -- Critical thinking and learning -- Critical thinking and the educated person -- Critical thinking and information literacy -- Growing importance of critical thinking -- Critical and creative thinking -- Critical thinking and the mastery of content -- Adapting the standards in particular subjects -- Structure and components of the competencies: Relating the competencies to critical thinking concepts -- Outlining the components in each competency -- Master Rubric -- Critical thinking Competencies: Section one: Competencies focusing on the elements of reasoning, and intellectual standards as they relate to the elements: Standard one: Purposes, goals, and objectives -- Standard Two: Questions, problems, and issues -- Standard three: Information, data, evidence, and experience -- Standard Four: Inferences and interpretations -- Standard Five: Assumptions and presuppositions -- Standard Six: Concepts, theories, principles, definitions, laws, and axioms -- Standard seven: Implications and consequences -- Standard Eight: Points of view and frames of reference -- Section Two: Competency focusing on universal intellectual standards: Standard Nine: Assessing thinking -- Section Three: Competencies focusing on intellectual traits, virtues or dispositions: Standard Ten: Fairmindedness -- Standard Eleven: Intellectual humility -- Standard Twelve: Intellectual courage -- Standard Thirteen: Intellectual empathy -- Standard Fourteen: Intellectual integrity -- Standard Fifteen: Intellectual perseverance -- Standard Sixteen: Confidence in reason -- Standard Seventeen: Intellectual Autonomy -- Section Four: Competencies dealing with the barriers to the development of rational thought -- Standard Eighteen: Insight into egocentric thought -- Standard Nineteen: Insight into sociocentric thought -- Section Five: Competencies focusing on critical thinking skills essential to learning -- Standard Twenty: Skills in the art of studying and learning -- Standard Twenty-one: Skills in the art of asking essential questions -- Standard Twenty-two: Skills in the art of close reading -- Standard Twenty-three: Skills in the art of substantive writing -- Section Six: Competencies focusing on specific domains of thought (two examples): Standard Twenty-four: Ethical reasoning abilities -- Standard Twenty-five: Skills in detecting media bias and propaganda in National and World news -- Appendix: Critical thinking theory underlying the competencies: All thinking can be analyzed by identifying its eight elements -- All thinking must assessed for quality using universal intellectual standards -- Ultimate goal of critical thinking is to foster the development of intellectual traits or dispositions (and the skills and abilities they presuppose.) -- Egocentric and sociocentric thinking, natural predispositions of the mind and powerful barriers to the development of thinking -- Deepening your understanding of the critical thinking competencies.
094458330x 9780944583302
Elder, Linda, 1962-
Critical thinking.
BF441 / .P39 2005
A guide for educators to critical thinking competency standards : standards, principles, performance indicators, and outcomes with a critical thinking master rubric / Critical thinking competency standards by Richard Paul and Linda Elder. - Dillon Beach, CA : Foundation for Critical Thinking, c2005. - 56 p. ; 21 cm.
Introduction: Structure of this guide -- Understanding the intimate relationship between critical thinking, learning, and education: Concept of critical thinking -- What and the how of education -- Critical thinking is the ?How? for obtaining every educational ?What? -- Critical thinking and learning -- Critical thinking and the educated person -- Critical thinking and information literacy -- Growing importance of critical thinking -- Critical and creative thinking -- Critical thinking and the mastery of content -- Adapting the standards in particular subjects -- Structure and components of the competencies: Relating the competencies to critical thinking concepts -- Outlining the components in each competency -- Master Rubric -- Critical thinking Competencies: Section one: Competencies focusing on the elements of reasoning, and intellectual standards as they relate to the elements: Standard one: Purposes, goals, and objectives -- Standard Two: Questions, problems, and issues -- Standard three: Information, data, evidence, and experience -- Standard Four: Inferences and interpretations -- Standard Five: Assumptions and presuppositions -- Standard Six: Concepts, theories, principles, definitions, laws, and axioms -- Standard seven: Implications and consequences -- Standard Eight: Points of view and frames of reference -- Section Two: Competency focusing on universal intellectual standards: Standard Nine: Assessing thinking -- Section Three: Competencies focusing on intellectual traits, virtues or dispositions: Standard Ten: Fairmindedness -- Standard Eleven: Intellectual humility -- Standard Twelve: Intellectual courage -- Standard Thirteen: Intellectual empathy -- Standard Fourteen: Intellectual integrity -- Standard Fifteen: Intellectual perseverance -- Standard Sixteen: Confidence in reason -- Standard Seventeen: Intellectual Autonomy -- Section Four: Competencies dealing with the barriers to the development of rational thought -- Standard Eighteen: Insight into egocentric thought -- Standard Nineteen: Insight into sociocentric thought -- Section Five: Competencies focusing on critical thinking skills essential to learning -- Standard Twenty: Skills in the art of studying and learning -- Standard Twenty-one: Skills in the art of asking essential questions -- Standard Twenty-two: Skills in the art of close reading -- Standard Twenty-three: Skills in the art of substantive writing -- Section Six: Competencies focusing on specific domains of thought (two examples): Standard Twenty-four: Ethical reasoning abilities -- Standard Twenty-five: Skills in detecting media bias and propaganda in National and World news -- Appendix: Critical thinking theory underlying the competencies: All thinking can be analyzed by identifying its eight elements -- All thinking must assessed for quality using universal intellectual standards -- Ultimate goal of critical thinking is to foster the development of intellectual traits or dispositions (and the skills and abilities they presuppose.) -- Egocentric and sociocentric thinking, natural predispositions of the mind and powerful barriers to the development of thinking -- Deepening your understanding of the critical thinking competencies.
094458330x 9780944583302
Elder, Linda, 1962-
Critical thinking.
BF441 / .P39 2005