The work of Jean Dubuffet,
Selz, Peter Howard, 1919-
The work of Jean Dubuffet, with texts by the artist. - N[ew] Y[ork] Museum of Modern Art; distributed by Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y. [1962] - 187 p. illus. 24 cm.
Includes bibliography.
Dubuffet, Jean, 1901-
ND553.D772 / S4
The work of Jean Dubuffet, with texts by the artist. - N[ew] Y[ork] Museum of Modern Art; distributed by Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y. [1962] - 187 p. illus. 24 cm.
Includes bibliography.
Dubuffet, Jean, 1901-
ND553.D772 / S4