Introduction to Aristotle.
Introduction to Aristotle. With a new general introd. and new introductions to the particular works, by Richard McKeon. - 2d ed., rev. and enl. - Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1973] - lii, 759 p. 20 cm.
Logic: Analytica posteriora (Posterior analytics) complete.--Physics: Physica (Physics) the second of the eight books.--Psychology: De anima (On the soul) complete.--Biology: De partibus animalium (On the parts of animals) book 1, chapter 1.--Metaphysics: Metaphysica (Metaphysics) the first and twelfth of the fourteen books.--Ethics: Ethica Nicomachea (Nicomachean Ethics) complete.--Politics: Politica (Politics) the first and third of the eight books.--Poetics: Poetica (Poetics) complete.--Rhetoric: Rhetorica (Rhetoric) book I, chapters 1-4, book II, chapters 18-22.
Philosophy--Collected works.
B407 / .M22 1973
Introduction to Aristotle. With a new general introd. and new introductions to the particular works, by Richard McKeon. - 2d ed., rev. and enl. - Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1973] - lii, 759 p. 20 cm.
Logic: Analytica posteriora (Posterior analytics) complete.--Physics: Physica (Physics) the second of the eight books.--Psychology: De anima (On the soul) complete.--Biology: De partibus animalium (On the parts of animals) book 1, chapter 1.--Metaphysics: Metaphysica (Metaphysics) the first and twelfth of the fourteen books.--Ethics: Ethica Nicomachea (Nicomachean Ethics) complete.--Politics: Politica (Politics) the first and third of the eight books.--Poetics: Poetica (Poetics) complete.--Rhetoric: Rhetorica (Rhetoric) book I, chapters 1-4, book II, chapters 18-22.
Philosophy--Collected works.
B407 / .M22 1973