NMC Library

Wolf Willow : a history, a story, and a memory of the last Plains frontier /

Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909-1993.

Wolf Willow : a history, a story, and a memory of the last Plains frontier / Wallace Stegner ; with an introduction by Page Stegner. - New York : Penguin Books, 2000. - xxi, 306 p. : maps ; 20 cm. - Penguin twentieth-century classics . - Penguin twentieth-century classics. .

Includes bibliographical references (p. xx-xxi).



Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909-1993 --Childhood and youth.

Frontier and pioneer life--Cypress Hills Region (Alta. and Sask.)

Cypress Hills Region (Alta. and Sask.)--Social life and customs.
Cypress Hills Region (Alta. and Sask.)--Fiction.

F1079.C9 / S74 2000


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