NMC Library

The works of Guy de Maupassant: short stories.

Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893.

The works of Guy de Maupassant: short stories. The short stories of Guy de Maupassant - Reprint ed. c2009. - Roslyn, N. Y., Black's Readers Service Co. [c1903] - 606 p. 20 cm.

Five volumes in one.

Volume 1. : Ball-of-fat -- The Diamond necklace -- Piece of string -- Story of a farm-girl -- Into the moonlight -- Mme. Tellier?s excursion -- Love -- Mme. Fifi -- Monsieur Parent -- Useless beauty -- An affair of state -- Babette -- A cock crowed -- Lilie Lala -- A vagabond -- The Mountebanks -- Ugly -- The Debt -- A Normandy joke -- The father -- The Artist False Alarm -- That pig of a morin. Volume 2. : Miss Harriet -- The hole -- The inn -- A family -- Bellflower -- In the wood -- The Marquis de Fumerol -- Saved -- The Signal -- The devil -- The Venus of Braniza -- The rabbit -- La Morillonne -- Epiphany -- Simon?s Papa -- Waiter, a bock! -- The sequel to a divorce -- The clown -- The mad woman -- Mademoiselle. Volume 3. : A bad error -- The port -- Chali -- Jeroboam -- Virtue in the ballet -- The double pins -- How he got the Legion of Honor -- A crisis -- Graveyard sirens -- Growing old -- A French Enoch Arden -- Julie Romain -- An Unreasonable Woman -- Rosalie Prudent -- Hippolyte?s Claim -- Benoist -- Fecundity -- A way to wealth -- Am I insane? -- Forbidden Fruit -- The Charm dispelled -- Madame Parisse -- Making a convert. Volume 4. : A little walk -- A wife?s confession -- A dead woman?s secret -- Love?s awakening -- Bed No. 29 -- Marroca -- A philosopher -- A mistake -- Florentine -- Consideration -- Woman?s wiles -- Moonlight -- Doubtful happiness -- Humiliation -- The wedding night -- The noncommissioned officer -- In the court room -- A peculiar case -- A practical joke -- A strange fancy -- After death -- On cats -- Room No. Eleven -- One phase of love -- Good reasons -- A fair exchange -- The tobacco shop -- A poor girl -- The substitute -- A passion. Volume 5. : Caught -- The orderly -- Joseph -- Regret -- The deaf-mute -- Magnetism -- In various roles -- The false gems -- Countess Satan -- A useful house -- The Colonel?s ideas -- Two little soldiers -- Ghosts -- Was it a dream? -- The new sensation -- Virtue! -- The thief -- The diary of a madman -- On perfumes -- The Will -- The relics -- A rapture -- Margot?s tapers -- The accent -- Profitable business -- Bertha -- The last sleep.

Short stories.

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