Sherwood Anderson; a collection of critical essays,
edited by Walter B. Rideout.
- Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1974]
- x, 177 p. 21 cm.
- Twentieth century views .
Frank, W. Emerging greatness.--Phillips, W. L. How Sherwood Anderson wrote Winesburg, Ohio.--Fussell, E. Winesburg, Ohio: art and isolation.--Cowley, M. Introduction to Winesburg, Ohio.--Gelfant, B. H. A novel of becoming.--Lovett, R. M. The promise of Sherwood Anderson.--Burbank, R. The artist as prophet.--Hemingway, E. and Stein, G. Reviews of A story teller's story.--Whipple, T. K. Sherwood Anderson.--Howe, I. The short stories.--Lawry, J. S. Death in the woods and the artist's self in Sherwood Anderson.--Trilling, L. Sherwood Anderson.--Jones, H. M. Introduction to Letters of Sherwood Anderson.--Spencer, B. T. Sherwood Anderson: American mythopoeist.--Faulkner, W. Sherwood Anderson: an appreciation.--Chronology of important dates.--Notes on the editor and contributors.--Selected bibliography (p. 175-177)