Memorial services in the Congress of the United States and tributes in eulogy of Ronald Reagan, late a President of the United States /
Ronald Reagan, late a President of the United States, memorial tributes delivered in Congress Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
compiled under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing.
- Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : [U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., distributor], 2005.
- lviii, 327 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
- House document / 108th Congress, 2d session ; no. 108-227 .
- House document (United States. Congress. House) ; 108-227. .
Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. Shipping list no.: 2005-0237-P. Includes index.