The Annals of America 10.
1866-1883: Reconstruction and industrialization Reconstruction and industrialization
- 22 volumes : illustrations ; 25 cm
10 of 22 volumes; each volume has separate title.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1866: The American soldier / William F.G. Shanks; Veto of Freedmen's Bureau Bill / Andrew Johnson; Against the Radical Republicans / Andrew Johnson; Debate on Civil and States' Rights: Andrew Johnson; Reply to Johnson / Lyman Trumbull; Civil Rights Act; For Immediate Restoration of the State Governments / Alexander H. Stephens; Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; Ex Parte Milligan / David Davis; "The Good Old Rebel" / Innes Randolph; Consideration of Out Late Enemies / Herman Melville; Wealth and the Division of Labor / Amasa Walker; Efforts to Encourage Immigration to the South; Government Aid to the Poor / George Nye Boardman; Religious Schooling for Wayward Youths; A Norwegian in Minnesota / Anonymous; Representation for All Southern States / Andrew Johnson -- 1867: Difficulties of Law Enforcement in Mississippi / Thomas J. Wood; Veto of Tenure of Office Act / Andrew Johnson; Congressional Interference with the Command of the Army; The Struggle Between Congress and the President Over Reconstruction: First Reconstruction Act; First Reconstruction Veto / Andrew Johnson; Second Reconstruction Veto / Andrew Johnson; Trees for the Arid West / Ferdinand V. Hayden; The Problems and Prospects of Labor / Andrew C. Cameron; Child Labor and School Attendance; "One's-Self I Sing" / Walt Whitman -- 1868: Illinois Proposal for a Compulsory School Law; Knowledge, Mental Training, and Classical Study; Arraignment of the Republican Party / Samuel J. Tilden; The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson: For Conviction / Charles Sumner; For Acquittal / James Grimes; Civil War Amendments to the Constitution; The Ku Klux Klan; The Knights of the White Camelia; Spirituals: "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?"; "Mary and Martha"; "The Gospel Train"; "Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho"; "Ezekiel Saw the Wheel"; "My Lord, What a Mourning" -- 1869: Congressional Debate on Haiti and Santo Domingo; The Training Proper in Scientific Schools / Charles W. Eliot; Call for a Farmers' Convention / Henry C. Wheeler; The Struggle for Erie / Charles Francis Adams, Jr.; Silver in Nevada / Henry Eno; The Promise of Alaska / William H. Seward; Spirit of the Tennessee Press / Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"); The Elective Curriculum / Charles W. Eliot; The Constitution and Civil Service Reform / Henry Adams; Against Religious Exercises in Public Schools; The Diffusion of Education and the Degradation of Culture / Francis Parkman -- 1870: Negro National Labor Union Platform; The Unplanned Growth of Cities / Frederick Law Olmsted; Concerning the Annexation of the Dominican Republic: For Annexation / Ulysses S. Grant; Against Annexation / Charles Sumner; Against the Importation of "Coolie" Labor; "Plain Language from Truthful James" / Bret Harte; Native American Rights / Red Cloud; My Watch / Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain") -- 1871: African American Appeal for Protection of Life and Property; The Ku Klux Klan Act; Federal Grand Jury Report on the Ku Klux Klan; Resolutions Against the Profit System / Wendell Phillips; "The Schooner E.A. Horton"; Anti-Chinese Rioting in Los Angeles / P.S. Dorney; The Chicago Fire / Frederick Law Olmsted; Observations of an Austrian Diplomat / Count von Hubner -- 1872: The Lost Children of New York / Charles Loring Brace; The Dilemma of Indian Policy / Francis A. Walker -- 1873: Nine Demands of Liberalism for Separation of Church and State / Francis Ellington Abbot; "John Henry"; Slaughter-House Cases / Samuel F. Miller and Stephen J. Field; The Farmers' Declaration of Independence -- 1874: Declaration of Purpose of the National Grange; "Corn" / Sidney Lanier; Wage Slaves in Pennsylvania Coal Mines / Samuel Ab Thomas; African American Legislators of South Carolina / James S. Pike; Militant White Supremacy; Revival Songs: "Gimme That Old-Time Religion"; "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain"; Concerning Property Exempt from Taxation / Charles W. Eliot -- 1875: Secret Labor Organizations; Postwar Plantation Life / Edward King; Military Lessons of the War / William Tecumseh Sherman; "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen" / Thomas P. Westendorf; "The Curious Republic of Gondour" / Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain") -- 1876: African American Hopes for Assimilation / Blanche K. Bruce; An Act to Keep Children of the Stage; The Separation of Church and School / Ulysses S. Grant; Theory and Practice in Industrial Engineering / Alexander Lyman Holley; Work Songs: "Buffalo Skinners"; "Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill"; "Factory Girl" -- 1877: On permitting Women to Preach; Munn v. Illinois / Morrison R. Waite and Stephen J. Field; Riches of the Desert / Brigham Young; Chinese Immigration to the United States / Edwin R. Meade -- 1878: The Knights of Labor; A Comparison of American and British Institutions / William Gladstone; "Here Rattler Here" -- 1879: Communism in California / Edwin L. Godkin; McGuffey's Lessons; Things Present and Absent in American Life / Henry James; The Great American Landscape / Walt Whitman; Fellow Travelers / Robert Louis Stevenson; Progress and Civilization / Henry George; Veto of the Army Appropriation Act / Rutherford B. Hayes -- 1880: Advice to a Young Politician / William McElroy; The Greenback Party / James Baird Weaver; The Communism of a Discriminating Income Tax / David B. Wells; The Development of Small Farming in the South / Sidney Lanier; "Barbed Wire Fences"; Cowboy Songs: "The Dying Cowboy"; "Cowboy's Life"; "The Old Chisholm Trail"; "Good-Bye, Old Paint" -- 1881: Modern Civilization and American Nervousness / George M. Beard; The Scholar in a Republic / Wendell Phillips; The Native American Dilemma - Civilization or Extinction / Carl Schurz; Indians and Whites / Helen Hunt Jackson; A Congress of Nations of North and South America / James G. Blaine -- 1882: Standard Oil Trust Agreement; "Jesse James"; Political Liberty in the South / Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain") -- Chinese Exclusion Act; "Charles Guiteau"; Inequality, Liberty, and Progress / William Graham Sumner; The Factory System / Carroll D. Wright -- 1883: Christian Science / Mary Baker Eddy; Labor and Capital: Testimony of a Labor Leader / Samuel Gompers; Testimony of a Factory Manager / Thomas L. Livermore; Testimony of a Physician / Timothy D. Stow; Civil Rights Cases / Joseph P. Bradley and John M. Harlan; The Color Line in America / Frederick Douglass; An Appeal to European Immigrants to Come to the South / A.J. McWhirter; What Social Classes Do Not Owe Each Other / William Graham Sumner; The Paradox of Poverty / Henry George. Index of Authors.
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