The Annals of America 4
1797-1820: Domestic expansion and foreign entanglements Domestic expansion and foreign entanglements
- Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2003.
- 22 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.
4 of 22 volumes; each volume has separate title.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1797: Exploring the Ohio Valley / Moses Austin; The Rich Land of the Frontier / James Smith; An Act to Prevent the Spreading of Contagious Sickness; A Profit Sharing Agreement / Albert Gallatin -- 1798: American Will and Testament / Tadeusz Kosciuszko; Thoughts on Education / Benjamin H. Latrobe; Independence and Education / Benjamin Rush; On the Duty of Americans at the Present Crisis / Timothy Dwight; On the Essential Equality of the Sexes / Charles Brockden Brown; Against the Alien Act / Edward Livingston; Debate on the Sedition Act: For the Sedition Act / "Long John" Allen; Against the Sedition Act / Albert Gallatin; Suppression of "Foreign" Opinion: The Alien Act; The Sedition Act; The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798: The Kentucky Resolutions; The Virginia Resolutions; Undeclared War and Self-Defense / Fisher Ames; ON the Disloyalty of Army Officers / George Washington; Opposition to a Standing Army; Songs of Patriotism: "New Yankee Doodle Dandy" / James Hewitt; "Adams and Liberty" / Robert Treat Paine; "Hail, Columbia" / Joseph Hopkinson; How the Few and Many Differ in Their Interests / William Manning -- 1799: The Beginnings of Expansion / Alexander Hamilton; Massachusetts' Reply to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798; The Kentucky Resolutions of 1799; Our Economic Interests in the Caribbean / John Ward Fenno; The Army and a Free Press / William Duane; On Science and the Perfectibility of Man / Thomas Jefferson; Last Will and Testament / George Washington; Appeal to Washington to Return to Public Life / Gouverneur Morris -- 1800: "Down in the Valley"; The Freedom of the Press / James Madison; Land Act of 1800; Despotism and the Freedom of Political Discussion / Tunis Wortman; The Right to be Poor and Radical / Benjamin Nones; A Simple and Inexpensive Government / Thomas Jefferson -- 1801: / "Jefferson and Liberty"; First Inaugural Address / Thomas Jefferson; A Plan for Union for Protestant Churches; On Accommodating Slaves / Thomas Jefferson -- 1802: The Treat of the French in Louisiana / Thomas Jefferson; On the Union of Talents and Property / Gouverneur Morris; Frontier Kentucky / Francois Andre Nichaux -- 1803: The Lewis and Clark Expedition / Thomas Jefferson: Confidential Message to Congress; Instructions to Meriwether Lewis; Marbury v. Madison / John Marshall; The Politics of the Louisiana Purchase / Thomas Jefferson: Letter to John Breckinridge, August 12; Letter to Breckinridge, August 18; Proposed Constitutional Amendment; On the Admission of New States / Thomas Jefferson; Opposition to the Louisiana Purchase / Samuel White -- 1804: On Northern Secession / Timothy Pickering; On Presidential Appointments / Abigail Adams -- 1805: Against White Missions Among Native American / Red Jacket; On a Natural History of the Country / John Adams; On Political Parties and the Romance of History / Benjamin Rush; The Passions and Tyranny of the Many / Fisher Ames -- 1806: Gentlemen-Architects and Building-Mechanics / Benjamin H. Latrobe; The Jerks / Lorenzo Dow; Trial of the Journeymen Boot- and Shoe-Makers -- 1807: Act to Prohibit the Importation of Slaves; On Misreporting by the Press / Thomas Jefferson; A Tour to the Western Country / Fortescue Cuming; Preface and Postscript to "The Columbiad" / Joel Barlow; The Embargo Act -- 1808: On the Civil and Religious Powers of Government / Thomas Jefferson; Aaron Burr's Conspiracy / George Hay -- 1809: Private Belief and Public Office / Jacob Henry; Christian Union / Thomas Campbell -- 1810: Against Trade Restrictions / John Randolph; The State of Manufacturing / Albert Gallatin; On Authorities Beyond the Law / Thomas Jefferson; The National Character of Americans / Charles J. Ingersoll; The Restless Frontiersman / Timothy Dwight -- 1811: State Aid for Jewish Schools; Against the Admission of New States / Josiah Quincy; On a Northern Confederation: Benjamin Waterhouse to John Adams; Adams to Waterhouse; Debate over War with England: War as a Means of Continental Expansion / Felix Grundy; For War with England / Richard M. Johnson; Against War with England / John Randolph -- 1812: On the Progress of Medical Education / David Hosack; Thoughts on Current Politics / John Adams; War Message / James Madison; Unprepared for War with England / Obadiah German; Party Divisions in America / John Adams; "Ye Parliament of England" -- 1813: For a Vigorous Prosecution of the War / Henry Clay; Opposed Views on Adams to Jefferson, September 2; Jefferson to Adams, October 28; Adams to Jefferson, November 15; Isolation and Independence / Thomas Jefferson -- 1814: True and False Aristocracies / John Taylor; On the Censorship of Religious Books / Thomas Jefferson; Elementary, General, and Professional Schools / Thomas Jefferson; "The Star-Spangled Banner" / Francis Scott Key; Against Conscription / Daniel Webster -- 1815: New England and the Union; War and Popular Delusion / Noah Worcester; The Sphere of Religion / Thomas Jefferson; Jurisprudence and the Common Law / Richard Rush; On the Constitutional Powers of the Branches of Government / Thomas Jefferson; On the Balance of Power in Europe / Thomas Jefferson; National Uniformity in Textbooks and Curricula / Robert Finley; National Union and Prosperity / Hezekiah Niles; Should Beasts Vote? / Hugh H. Brackenridge; "Hunters of Kentucky"; Proposal for a National Bank / Alexander J. Dallas -- 1816: On the Present Need to Promote Manufacturing / Thomas Jefferson; The Rulers and the Ruled / Thomas Jefferson; On Republican Government / Thomas Jefferson; On Civil and Natural Rights / Thomas Jefferson; State Control of Dartmouth College / William Plumer; The Roots of Democracy / Thomas Jefferson; against a Protective Tariff / John Randolph; Hints to Emigrants from Europe; The Future of the Arts and Sciences / Jacob Bigelow; Displacement of Free African Americans -- 1817: Roadways and Waterways / John C. Calhoun; On the Commerce Clause / James Madison; On the Revolutions in Latin America / John Quincy Adams -- 1818: The Meaning of the American Revolution / John Adams; Opportunities in the West / Elias Pym Fordham; Land Sale Advertisement; An Irish Colony in Illinois; Contracts and Corporate Charters / Daniel Webster; Internal Improvements and the Powers of Congress / Henry Clay; Recognition for Latin American Governments / Henry Clay; The Education of Women / Thomas Jefferson; American Women and American Character / Baron de Montlezun; French Emigrants to America; A Society for a National Literature / Robert Lee; Opposition to Paper Money / Anonymous; Agriculture and Conservation / James Madison; A Christian Indictment of Slavery; Report on the Proposed University of Virginia; Public Works in the State of Virginia -- 1819: Dartmouth College v. Woodward / John Marshall; Apprentice Labor Act; M'Culloch v. Maryland / John Marshall; Defense of the Power of State Courts / Spencer Roane; An Attack on Orthodox Calvinism / William Ellery Channing; A Vindication of Civil Rights for Jews / Henry M. Brackenridge; Observations on the United States / Giovanni Antonio Grassi; A Year in the United States / William Cobbett; Education and the Weaker Sex / Emma Hart Willard; Against the Extension of Slavery to the New States / Rufus King; Against Restriction of Slavery to the Southern States / Anonymous -- 1820: Slavery and the Constitution / John Quincy Adams; Missouri Enabling Act; A Firebell in the Night / Thomas Jefferson; Against a Protective Tariff: Fredericksburg Remonstrance; Salem Memorial; Manufacturing and a Protective Tariff / Henry Clay; The Role of Labor in the National Wealth / Daniel Raymond; The Panic in Indiana / James Flint; Property and Political Power / Daniel Webster; For Wider Suffrage; On America and European Alliances / John Quincy Adams; The Beginnings of American Architecture / Robert Mills; On the Scarcity of Romantic Fiction in America; "The American Flag" / Joseph Rodman Drake. Index of Authors.
"Annals of American History provides a year-by-year documentary of U.S. history from 1493 to modern times."