Ten neglected classics of philosophy / 10 neglected classics of philosophy Edited by Eric Schliesser. - xxvi, 279 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Rachel Barney: Gorgias' Encomium of Helen -- Ryan Hanley: Fénelon's Telemachus -- Elisabeth Anderson: Thomas Paine's Agrarian justice -- Frederick Beiser: Lotze's Mikrokosmus -- Michael Della Rocca: Bradley's Appearance and reality -- Sally Haslanger: Jane Addams' Women and public housekeeping -- Alan Richardson: Cassirer's Substance concept and functional concept -- Kris McDaniel: Edith Stein: On the problem of empathy -- Chike Jeffers: W.E.B Du Bois' Whither now and why -- Daniel Dennett: Jonathan Bennett's Rationality.

9780199928903 (hardcover : alk. paper) 9780199928927 (pbk. : alk. paper)


Philosophy--Book reviews.

B29 / .T3775 2017