Solzhenitsyn : a collection of critical essays / edited by Kathryn Feuer. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1976. - xii, 174 p. : map ; 21 cm. - Twentieth century views A Spectrum book ; S-TC-126 .

Bibliography: p. 173-174.

Feuer, K. B. Introduction.--Aucouturier, M. Solzhenitsyn's art.--Kasack, W. Epic and dramatic structure in Solzhenitsyn's work.--Nivat, G. On Solzhenitsyn's symbolism.--Jackson, R. L. "Matryona's home": the making of a Russian icon.--Struve, N. The debate over August 1914.--Blake, P. Solzhenitsyn and the theme of war.--Conquest, R. Evolution of an exile : Gulag archipelago.--Medvedev, R. On Solzhenitsyn's Gulag archipelago.--Gibian, G. How Solzhenitsyn returned his ticket.--Erlich, V. On reading The Gulag archipelago.--Klimoff, A. Solzhenitsyn in English: an evaluation.--Kaufmann, W. Solzhenitsyn and autonomy.

013822627X. 0138226196

Solzheniktlsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, 1918-2008 --Criticism and interpretation

PG3488.O4 / Z886
