Game theory. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Noncooperative games. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Cooperative games. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Games in extensive form. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Mathematical economics--Voting theory. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Positional games (pursuit and evasion, etc.). Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Games involving graphs. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Rationality, learning. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Signaling, communication. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Game theory--Combinatorial games. Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences--Mathematical economics--Market models (auctions, bargaining, bidding, selling, etc.).