Artist's statement -- Leni Sinclair : back in the picture / A reader's guide -- Photographs : the music -- Other voices / Coming to Amerika : Leni Sinclair chronicled our dreams and aspirations / The greatness of Leni Sinclair / When photography is revolution : notes on Leni Sinclair / Leni Sinclair : out of the dark / The evolution of a commune / "John Sinclair" / A people's history of the CIA bombing conspiracy (the Keith case) : or, how the White Panthers saved the movement / Photographs : the times -- Biography -- Our congratulations / A note from Richard L. Rogers / Kresge arts in Detroit. by Rip Rapson, President and CEO, The Kresge Foundation -- by Sue Levytsky -- Hugh "Buck" Davis, Bill Harris, Robin Eichele, Harvey Ovshinsky, Peter Werbe, Juanita Moore and Lars Bjorn, Judge Damon J. Keith, Rebecca Derminer, Barbara Weinberg Barefield -- by George Tysh -- by John Sinclair -- by Cary Loren -- by Herb Boyd -- by Leni Sinclair -- by John Lennon -- by Hugh "Buck" Davis -- Michelle Perron, Director, Kresge Arts in Detroit -- President, College for Creative Studies -- Forward /