Analysis of Michigan public school revenues and expenditures. Analysis of Michigan public schools revenues and expenditures. Analysis of Michigan public school districts revenues and expenditures <1997-98>- - [Lansing, Mich.] : Michigan State Board of Education, [1980-1988] - v. ; 28 cm. - Annual. - 1980-1988 - <1967-1968-1978-89>: Bulletin / Michigan Department of Education ; 1011. <1979-1980->:Bulletin / Michigan State Board of Education ; 1011. . - Bulletin (Michigan. Dept. of Education) ; 1011. Bulletin (Michigan. State Board of Education) ; no. 1011. .

Title from cover. Title varies slightly. Physical size and format varies.

Vols. for 1967/68-1978/79 issued by: Dept. of Education; 1979/1980- by: State Board of Education.

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