Adamson, Peter, 1972-

Classical philosophy : a history of philosophy without any gaps / Peter Adamson. - First edition. - volumes : map ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Early Greek Philosophy -- 1: Everything is Full of Gods: Thales -- 2: Infinity and Beyond: Anaximander and Anaximines -- 3: Created in Our Image: Xenophanes -- 4: The Man with the Golden Thigh: Pythagoras -- 5: Old Man River: Heraclitus -- 6: The Road Less Traveled: Parmenides -- 7: You Can't Get There From Here: the Eleatics -- 8: The Final Cut: The Atomists -- 9: Mind over mixture: Anaxagoras -- 10: All You Need is Love, and Five Other Things: Empedocles -- 11: Good Humor Men: the Hippocratic Corpus -- 12: Making the Weaker Argument the Stronger: The Sophists -- Socrates and Plato -- 13: Socrates Without Plato: The Portrayals of Aristophanes and Xenophon -- 14: Method Man: Plato's Socrates -- 15: In Dialogue: The Life and Writings of Plato -- 16: Know Thyself: Two Unloved Platonic Dialogues -- 17: Virtue Meets its Match: Plato's Gorgias -- 18: We Don't Need No Education: Plato's Meno -- 19: I Know, Because the Caged Bird Sings: Plato's Theaetetus -- 20: Famous Last Words: Plato's Phaedo -- 21: Soul and the City: Justice in Plato's Republic -- 22: Ain't No Sunshine: the Cave Allegory of Plato's Republic -- 23: Second Thoughts: Plato's Parmenides and the Forms -- 24: Untying the Not: Plato's Sophist -- 25: What's in a Name?: Plato's Cratylus -- 26: A Likely Story: Plato's Timaeus -- 27: Wings of Desire: Plato's Erotic Dialogues -- 28: Last Judgments: Plato, Poetry, and Myth -- Aristotle -- 29: Mr Know it All: Aristotle's Life and Works -- 30: The Philosopher's Toolkit: Aristotle's Logical Works -- 31: A Principled Stand: Aristotle's Epistemology -- 32: Down to Earth: Aristotle on Substance -- 33: Form and Function: Aristotle's Four Causes -- 34: Let's Get Physical: Aristotle's Natural Philosophy -- 35: Soul Power: Aristotle's On the Soul -- 36: Classified Information: Aristotle's Biology -- 37: The Goldilocks Theory: Aristotle's Ethics -- 38: The Second Self: Aristotle on Pleasure and Friendship -- 39: God Only Knows: Aristotle on Mind and God -- 40: Constitutional Conventions: Aristotle's Political Philosophy -- 41: Stage Directions: Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics -- 42: Anything You Can Do: Women and Ancient Philosophy -- 43: The Next Generation: The Followers of Plato and Aristotle.

0199674531 (v. 1) 9780199674534 (v. 1)


Philosophy, Ancient.

B111 / .A33 2014