Teachings from the American earth : Indian religion and philosophy /
edited by Dennis Tedlock and Barbara Tedlock.
- 1st ed.
- New York : Liveright, [1975]
- xxiv, 279 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction.--Seeing and curing:--Tens, I., through Barbeau, M. The career of a medicine-man. Rasmussen, K. A shaman's journey to the sea spirit Takanakapsaluk. Black Elk, through Brown, J. E. Hanblecheyapi: crying for a vision. Underhill, R. The salt pilgrimage. Mooney, J. The doctrine of the ghost dance. Slotkin, J. S. The peyote way. Tedlock, B. The clown's way.--Thinking about the world: Whorf, B. L. An American Indian model of the universe. Lee, D. Linguistic reflection of Wintu thought. Hallowell, A. I. Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view. Ortiz, A. The Tewa world view. Ridington, R. and Ridington T. The inner eye of shamanism and totemism. Sword ... et al., through Walker, J. R. Oglala metaphysics. Radin, P. Monotheism among American Indians. Tedlock, D. An American Indian view of death.