Creation and cosmos. Creation and cosmos ; Water ; Air : wind and weather ; Fire : light and darkness ; Earth -- Plant world. Trees ; Magical plants and flowers -- Animal world. Primordial creatures ; Water creatures ; Arachnids and insects ; Birds ; Wild animals ; Domestic animals -- Human world. Human body ; Movement and expression ; Fundamentals of work and society ; Tools and other objects ; House and home ; Buildings and monuments ; Color ; Sound -- Spirit world. Mythical beings ; Rituals and sacred systems ; Sickness and death ; Soul and psyche.
The Book of Symbols sets new standards for thoughtful exploration of symbols and their meanings, and will appeal to a wide range of readers: artists, designers, dreamers and dream interpreters, psychotherapists, self-helpers, gamers, comic book readers, religious and spiritual searchers, writers, students, and anyone curious about the power of archetypal images. -- Product Description.
9783836514484 3836514486
Signs and symbols--Dictionaries. Symbolism--Dictionaries. Archetype (Psychology)