The criminal justice system /
Crime criminal law Law enforcement courts Corrections special issues
edited by Michael K. Hooper [and] Ruth E. Masters.
- Second edition.
- 3 volumes : illustrations (mostly color), charts, color maps, portraits ; 31 cm.
Salem Press.
Includes bibliographical references.
Publisher's Note -- Contributors -- Complete List of Contents -- Introduction -- Abortion -- Adultery -- Alcohol use and abuse -- Animal abuse -- Anti-Racketeering Act of 1934 -- Arson -- Assault and battery -- Attempt to commit a crime -- Autopsies -- Bigamy and polygamy -- Blackmail and extortion -- Breach of the peace -- Bribery -- Bullying -- Burglary -- Carjacking -- Child abduction by parents -- Child abuse and molestation -- Commercialized vice -- Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) -- Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act -- Comstock law -- Conspiracy -- Constitution, U.S. -- Consumer fraud. -- Corporate scandals -- Counterfeiting -- Crime -- Crime index -- Crimes of passion -- Criminal justice in U.S. history -- Criminal justice system -- Criminals -- Criminology -- Date rape -- Designer and date rape drugs -- Disorderly conduct -- Domestic violence and criminal justice -- Drive-by shootings -- Drug legalization -- Drug testing -- Drunk driving - Embezzlement -- Environmental crimes -- Female offenders -- Feminist criminology -- Forensic psychology -- Forgery -- Fraud -- Gambling -- Graffiti -- Hate crime -- Hit-and-run accidents -- Hobbs Act -- Hoover, J. Edgar -- Human trafficking -- Illegal aliens and criminal justice -- Inchoate crimes -- Indecent exposure -- Insider trading -- Insurance fraud -- Jaycee Lee Dugard case (2009) -- Jaywalking -- Justice -- Kidnapping -- Ku Klux Klan -- Loitering -- Lynching -- Mafia -- Mann Act -- Manslaughter -- Mass and serial murders -- Mental illness and crime -- Missing persons -- Money laundering -- Mothers Against Drunk Driving -- Motor vehicle theft -- Murder and homicide. National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence -- National Narcotics Act -- National Stolen Property Act Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 -- Opium Exclusion Act -- Organized crime -- Organized Crime Control Act -- Pandering -- Peacemaking criminology -- Perjury -- Pickpocketing -- Political corruption -- Pornography and obscenity -- Principals (criminal) -- Prohibition -- Psychopathy -- Public-order offenses -- R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul -- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act -- Rape and sex offenses -- Reckless endangerment -- Recreational and medical marijuana movements -- Regulatory crime -- Right to bear arms -- Robbery -- Schools of criminology -- Seditious libel -- Sexual harassment and criminal justice -- Sherman Antitrust Act -- Shoplifting -- Skyjacking -- Sobriety testing -- Sports and crime -- Stalking -- Suicide and euthanasia -- Suspects -- Tax evasion -- Telephone fraud -- Television news -- Texas v. Johnson -- Theft -- Treason Treasury Department, U.S. -- Trespass -- Unabomber -- Uniform Crime Reports - Vandalism -- Vigilantism -- Violent Criminal Apprehension Program -- Virginia v. Black -- Voting fraud -- War crimes -- White -collar crime -- Wisconsin v. Mitchell - Accomplices and accessories -- Aggravating circumstances -- Amicus curiae briefs -- Annotated codes -- Antitrust law -- Arizona v. Fulminante -- Arrest -- Arrest warrants -- Asset forfeiture -- Atwater v. City of Lago Vista -- Automobile searches -- Bill of Rights, U.S. -- Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents -- Brown v. Mississippi -- Burden of proof. California v. Greenwood -- Chimel v. California -- Circumstantial evidence -- Citizen's arrests -- Color of law -- Common law -- Comprehensive Crime Control Act -- Confessions -- Consent searches -- Criminal intent -- Criminal law -- Criminal liability -- Criminal procedure -- Cultural defense -- Decriminalization -- Defenses to crime -- Diminished capacity -- Diplomatic immunity -- Double jeopardy -- Due process of law -- Duress -- Entrapment -- Equal protection under the law -- Escobedo v. Illinois -- Ex post facto laws -- Exclusionary rule -- Excuses and justifications -- Extradition -- Federal Crimes Act -- Felon disfranchisement -- Felonies -- Gun laws -- Harris v. United States -- Hearsay -- Hurtado v. California -- Ignorance of the law -- Illinois v. Gates -- Illinois v. Krull -- Illinois v. McArthur -- Illinois v. Wardlow -- Incorporation doctrine -- Information (written accusation) -- Insanity defense -- International law -- Jim Crow laws -- Knowles v. Iowa -- Lesser-included offenses -- Lindbergh law. Magna Carta -- Mala in se and mala prohibita -- Malice -- Manhattan Bail Project -- Mapp v. Ohio -- Martial law -- Maryland v. Buie -- Maryland v. Craig -- Massachusetts v. Sheppard -- Mens rea -- Military justice -- Miranda rights -- Miranda v. Arizona -- Misdemeanors -- Mitigating circumstances -- Model Penal Code -- Moral turpitude -- Motives -- Multiple jurisdiction offenses -- New Jersey v. T.L.O. -- No-knock warrants -- Payne v. Tennessee -- Plain view doctrine -- Presumption of innocence -- Preventive detention -- Privileged communications -- Probable cause -- Proximate cause -- Punitive damages -- Reasonable doubt -- Reasonable suspicion -- Rules of evidence -- Search and seizure -- Search warrants -- Self-defense -- Sex offender registries -- Sexually Violent Predator Acts -- Statutes -- Statutes of limitations -- Stop and frisk -- Strict liability offenses -- Terry v. Ohio -- Traffic law -- United States Code -- United States Statutes at Large -- United States v. Alvarez- Machain -- United States v. Leon -- United States v. Lopez -- Vagrancy laws -- Vicarious liability -- Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act -- Weeks v. United States -- Whren v. United States -- Wilson v. Arkansas. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, -- U.S. Bureau of -- Black Lives Matter Movement/Blue Lives Matter Movement -- Body-worn cameras -- Booking -- Border patrols -- Boston police strike -- Broken windows theory -- Campus police -- Civilian review boards -- Cold cases -- Community-oriented policing -- Crime analysis -- Crime scene investigation -- Dallas and Baton Rouge police officer attacks (2016) -- DARE programs -- Deadly force -- Discretion -- Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. (DEA) -- Drugs and law enforcement -- Evidence-based policing -- Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. -- Frankpledge and watch system -- Graham v. Connor (1989) -- High-speed chases -- Highway patrols -- Homeland Security, U.S. Department of -- Intelligence-led policing -- Internal affairs -- Internal Revenue Service, U.S. -- Interpol -- Justice Department, U.S. -- King beating case -- Knapp Commission -- Kyllo v. United States -- Law enforcement -- Law Enforcement Assistance Administration -- Marshals Service, U.S. -- MOVE bombing -- National Guard -- Neighborhood watch programs -- Noble cause corruption -- Peace Officer Standards and Training -- Police -- Police academies -- Police brutality -- Police chiefs -- Police civil liability -- Police corruption -- Police detectives -- Police dogs -- Police ethics -- Police lineups -- Police militarization -- Police powers -- Police psychologists -- Police subculture -- Posse comitatus -- Predictive policing. Preventive patrol -- Private police and guards -- Problem-oriented policing -- Procedural justice -- Racial profiling and criminal justice -- Reasonable force -- Resisting arrest -- Secret Service, U.S. -- Sheriffs -- Slave patrols -- Special weapons and tactics teams (SWAT) -- Stakeouts -- State police -- Sting operations -- Strategic policing -- Tennessee v. Garner -- Treasury Department, U.S. -- Use of force -- Vehicle checkpoints --Warrior versus guardian mentality -- Wickersham Commission -- Women in law enforcement and corrections -- Acquittal -- Amnesty -- Appellate process -- Argersinger v. Hamlin -- Arraignment -- Attorney ethics -- Attorney General, U.S. -- Attorneys general, state -- Australia's "Reintegrative Shaming" approach -- Bail system -- Bailiffs -- Barker v. Wingo -- Batson v. Kentucky -- Bench warrants -- Bifurcated trials -- Bill of particulars -- Blended sentences -- Brady v. United States -- Capital punishment -- Case law -- Cease-and-desist orders -- Certiorari -- Chain of custody -- Change of venue -- Citations -- Civil commitment -- Clemency -- Clerks of the court -- Coker v. Georgia -- Competency to stand trial -- Concurrent sentences -- Contempt of court -- Convictions -- Corporal punishment -- Counsel, right to -- Court reporters -- Court types -- Criminal prosecution -- Cross-examination -- Cruel and unusual punishment -- Death qualification -- Defendant self-representation -- Defendants -- Defense attorneys -- Deportation -- Depositions. Deterrence -- Discovery -- Dismissals -- District attorneys -- Diversion -- Drug courts -- Effective counsel -- Execution, forms of -- Execution of judgment -- Expert witnesses -- Eyewitness testimony -- False convictions -- Faretta v. California -- Fines -- Ford v. Wainwright -- Furman v. Georgia -- Gag orders -- Gideon v. Wainwright -- Grand juries -- Gregg v. Georgia -- Habeas corpus -- Harmelin v. Michigan -- Harmless error -- Hearings -- Hung juries -- Immunity from prosecution -- Impeachment of judges -- In forma pauperis -- Indeterminate sentencing -- Indictment -- Inquests -- Jessica's Law/Jessica Lunsford Act (2005) -- Judges -- Judicial review -- Judicial system, U.S. -- Jurisdiction of courts -- Jury nullification -- Jury sequestration -- Jury system -- Just deserts -- Mandamus -- Mandatory sentencing -- Massiah v. United States -- McCleskey v. Kemp -- Minnick v. Mississippi -- Miscarriage of justice -- Night courts -- Nolle prosequi -- Nolo contendere -- Objections -- Obstruction of justice -- Opinions -- Palko v. Connecticut. Pardons -- People v. George Zimmerman (2013) -- Plea bargaining -- Pleas -- Powell v. Alabama -- Precedent -- Preliminary hearings -- Presentence investigations -- Prosecutorial abuse -- Public defenders -- Public prosecutors -- Punishment -- Restitution -- Restorative justice -- Restraining orders -- Reversible error -- Robinson v. California -- Rummel v. Estelle -- Santobello v. New York -- Scottsboro cases -- Self-incrimination, privilege against -- Sentencing -- Sentencing guidelines, U.S. -- Solem v. Helm -- Speedy trial right -- Standards of proof -- Stanford v. Kentucky -- Stare decisis -- Subpoena power -- Summonses -- Supreme Court, U.S., and criminal rights -- Suspended sentences -- Testimony -- Three-strikes laws -- Tison v. Arizona -- Traffic courts -- Traffic fines -- Trial publicity -- Trials -- United States Sentencing Commission -- Verdicts -- Voir dire -- Witherspoon v. Illinois -- Witness protection programs -- Witnesses -- World Court. Addiction -- AIDS Ashker v. Brown (2015) -- Auburn system -- Battered child and battered wife syndromes -- Boot camps -- Chain gangs -- Community-based corrections -- Community service -- Conjugal visitation in prison -- Crime victimization: primary and secondary -- "Dark figure of crime" -- Elderly prisoners -- Forestry camps -- Good time -- Halfway houses -- History of incarceration -- Homeless women and victimization -- House arrest -- Incapacitation -- LGBTQ prisoners -- Medical model of offender treatment -- National Crime Victimization Survey -- National Organization for Victim Assistance -- "Not-in-my-backyard" attitudes -- Opioid treatment breakthroughs -- Palmer raids -- Parole -- Parole boards -- Parole Commission, U.S. -- Parole officers -- Pennsylvania system of corrections -- Prison and jail systems -- Prison escapes -- Prison guards -- Prison health care -- Prison industries -- Prison inmate subculture -- Prison overcrowding -- Prison/prisoner classification systems -- Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003 -- Prison violence -- Prisoner rights -- Prisons, Federal Bureau of -- Privatization of institutional and community corrections, including faith-based programs -- Probation, adult -- Probation, juvenile -- Realignment (PSR) policy -- Recidivism -- Rehabilitation -- Scandinavia's prison experience -- Security threat groups (STGs)/prison gangs -- Smith Act -- Solitary confinement -- Supermax prisons -- Victim and Witness Protection Act -- Victim assistance programs -- Victim impact statements. Victim-offender mediation -- Victim recovery stages -- Victimization theories -- Victimless crimes -- Victimology -- Victims of Crime Act -- Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 -- Victims services -- Walnut Street Jail -- Work camps -- Work-release programs -- Youth authorities -- Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (2006) -- Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty -- Bloodstains -- Boston Marathon Bombing (2013) -- Bounty hunters -- Bureau of Justice Statistics -- Civil disobedience -- Clear and present danger test -- Computer crime -- Computer forensics -- Computer information systems -- Contributing to delinquency of minors -- Coroners -- Crime labs -- Criminal history record information -- Criminal justice education -- Criminal records -- Cybercrime investigation -- DNA testing -- Document analysis -- Electronic surveillance -- Espionage -- Fingerprint identification -- Forensic accounting -- Forensics -- Freedom of assembly and association -- Fusion Centers -- Gault, In re -- Geographic information systems -- Identity theft -- Juvenile courts -- Juvenile delinquency -- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act -- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of -- Juvenile justice system. Juvenile waivers to adult courts -- Katz v. United States -- Latent evidence -- Lone wolf -- Medical examiners -- National Crime Information Center -- National Institute of Justice -- Nonviolent resistance -- Olmstead v. United States -- Parens patriae -- Paris terrorist attacks (2015) -- Patriot Act -- Pedophilia -- People v. Nidal Hasan (2013) -- Polygraph testing -- Pornography, child -- Post-traumatic stress disorder -- President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice -- Print media -- Privacy rights -- Psychological profiling -- Religious sects and cults -- Roper v. Simmons (2005) -- San Bernardino terrorist attack (2015) -- Schall v. Martin -- School violence -- September 11, 2001, attacks -- Sex discrimination -- Shoe prints and tire-tracks -- Social media -- Status offenses -- Surveillance cameras -- Technology's transformative effect -- Terrorism -- Toxicology -- Trace evidence -- Uniform Juvenile Court Act -- USA FREEDOM Act (2015) -- Victims of Child Abuse Act Reauthorization Act (2013) -- Wiretaps and criminal justice -- Youth gangs -- Bibliography of Basic Works on Criminal Justice -- Glossary -- Crime Rates and Definitions -- Crime Trends -- Supreme Court Rulings on Criminal Justice -- Famous American Trials -- Time Line -- Topics by Subject Category -- Index to Court Cases -- Index to Laws and Acts -- Personages Index -- Subject Index.
Presents a three volume set that covers the most important aspects of criminal justice in the United States, detailing the commission and frequency of crimes through the investigation, apprehension, prosecution, and punishment of wrongdoers.