College students : do this, get hired /
by Mark Lyden.
- 2009
- 90 p. ; 23 cm.
"From freshmen to Ph.D., the secrets, tips, techniques and tricks you need to get the full time job, co-op, or summer internship position you want."
What qualifies me to give you advice -- The inside story on college recruiting -- The truth about college recruiters -- Resumes -- Career fair -- Interviews -- Applying online -- How to negotiate salary -- Working with your career center -- Miscellaneous & rapid fire advice.
"[This book] reveals exactly what job seekers need to do in every major step of their job search process, from someone that currently recruiters students for a living, has recruited students for small, medium, and large companies, and has been a Lead College Recruiter for a Fortune 500 company for over 10 years now. The book doesn't tell you 101 different things to try, just what has been proven to work best in a way that is easy to understand, learn, and implement."--Publisher Web site.
Job hunting. Vocational guidance. College students--Internships.