The deniers : the world renowned scientists who stood up against global warming hysteria, political persecution, and fraud : and those who are too fearful to do so / Lawrence Solomon.
- [S.l.] : Richard Vigilante Books, c2008.
- 239 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p.[215]-234) and index.
deniers -- case of the disappearing hockey stick / Front page news / Forging a consensus / Is it warmer? / Looking for COâ / ice-core man and the great COâ cover-up / Models and the limits of predictability / In the land of the midnight sun / SKY and CLOUD / Cycles within cycles / Better safe than sorry? / Some inconvenient persons / carbon catastrophe. Edward Wegman -- Richard Tol, Christopher Landsea, Duncan Wingham -- Robert Carter, Richard Lindzen -- Vincent Gray, Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Robert Carter -- Tom Segalstad... Zbigniew Jaworowski -- Hendrik Tennekes... Eigil Friis-Christensen, Henrik Svensmark -- Sami Solanki... Habibullo Abdussamatov, George Kukla, Rhodes Fairbridge -- William Gray, Cliff Ollier, Paul Reiter -- Roger Revelle... The The [et al.] -- The [et al.] -- [et al.] -- [et al.] -- The
9780980076318 : 0980076315 :
Global warming--Research--Evaluation. Climatic changes--Research--Evaluation. Climatic changes--Mathematical models--Evaluation. Global warming--Mathematical models--Evaluation. Climatology--Statistical methods--Evaluation. Climatologists--Attitudes.