TY - BOOK AU - 14-3-58 TI - CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE: BUILDING EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT HOMES AND SCHOOLS PART 1-4 CY - 2004; Loving Guidance Inc. KW - Child Development KW - Teacher Education N1 - The CD-ROM contains handouts, research, slides, etc. to print or use on computer; Curriculum for Child Guidance N2 - 9 workshops on 4 DVD's teach an understanding o the brain and the seven basic skills of discipline that develop character, cooperation, respect and responsibility. Part 1: Two workshops on this disc. WORKSHOP 1: Becoming Brain Smart. WORKSHOP 2: Composure. Part 2: Two workshops on this disc. WORKSHOP 3: Encouragement. WORKSHOP 4: Assertiveness. Part 3: Three workshops on this disc: WORKSHOP 5: Choices; WORKSHOP 6: positive Intent; WORKSHOP 7: Empathy. Part 4: Two workshops on this disc plus Bonus for educators. WORKSHOP 8: Consequences; WORKSHOP 9: The School Family ER -