
GOLUB/SPERO - 2004; Kartemquin Educational Films - DVD; Golub: Late Works are the Catastrophes-82 Min. Woman as Protagonist-Nancy Spero-45 Min.

Special features: Divas and Dancers: Nancy in Spero in NYC Subway (11 Min.) Also Galleries for Both artists; Interview w/ the filmmaker.

Two films on one DVD: Golub: Late Works Are The Catastrophes: captures an historic artistic journey, shared with his wife and studio partner of 50 years, feminist, anti-war artist, Nancy Spero. Golub's later paintings continue to report on the world, but now with the dissonances and discontinuities that led Theodor Adorno in his essay on late Beethoven to proclaim, "In the history of art, late works are the catastrophes". Woman as Protagonist: The Art of Nancy Spero is a documentary about the work of feminist artist, Nancy Spero, and her confrontations with a male dominated art world.

Art History