T.S. Eliot's The waste land /
Waste land
edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
- Updated ed.
- New York : Chelsea House, c2007.
- vii, 272 p. ; 25 cm.
- Bloom's modern critical interpretations .
Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-260) and index.
The waste land / Hugh Kenner -- T.S. Eliot and the carthaginian peace / Eleanor Cook -- Personal mood transmuted into epic / James E. Miller -- Discovering the corpus / Gregory S. Jay -- Eliot, Russell, and Whitman: realism, politics, and literary personae in The waste land / Cleo McNelly Kearns -- Problems about texts / Louis Menand -- The waste land: beyond the frontier / James Longenbach -- The waste land: T.S. Eliot's and Ezra Pound's collaboration on hysteria / Wayne Koestenbaum -- Being between two lives: reading The waste land / Eric W. Sigg -- Disciplining The waste land, or how to lead critics into temptation / Jo Ellen Green Kaiser.