The Greek way.
- New York, W. W. Norton & company, inc. 1994
- 266 p. 21 cm.
"First edition." Expanded ed. published in 1942 title: The great age of Greek literature and in 1948 under title: The Greek way to Western civilization. Editions published after the mid-1950's reverted to the original, and best known title: The Greek way.
East and west.--Mind and spirit.--The way of the east and the west in art.--The Greek way in writing--The Athenians as Plato saw them.--Aristophanes and the old comedy.--The idea of tragedy.--Ãschylus, the first dramatist.--Sophocles, quintessence of the Greek.--Euriphides, the modern mind.--The way of the Greeks.--The way of the modern world.